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So this is a compliation of quotes from myself and my freind, Hogwartspotter07.

Yes, these are indeed things that my friends and I have actually said.


- Me: Blue

- Hogwartspotter07: Bee (We have nicknamed them Bee to refer to Bumblebee. They quote movies, songs, etc. a lot. We compare it to the fact that Bumblebee only speaks through quotes on a radio.)

- Hawk: Hawk is a nickname I use for a friend of mine. They are a martial artist and obsessed with Cobra Kai. Their favorite character is Hawk, so there you go.

- Canopy Man: A clarinet from marching band. This is literally their nickname.

- Trombone child: Trombone in the marching band

- Trumpet child: Trumpet in the marching band


Waaaay in the outfield
*Blue and Bee are carrying on a normal conversation*
Blue- Way off topic, but do you know where one could acquire a piece of cheesecake?
Bee- *silence for a moment* You made that sound so sophisticated and it ended with cheesecake... No... But when you said way off topic... I was thinking like second base... not outfield... way in the outfield...

A perfect example of short term vs. long term goals
Bee- I wanna go to high school
Blue- I want a pop tart

A failure in hiccups
So, Blue had the hiccups for about the fourth time on this particular day. Blue is one of those people that if they get the hiccups once in a day, that won't be the last time. Bee was trying to help remedy this situation as it was obviously beginning to get on Blue's last nerve.

Bee- Try to hiccup
Bee- You're welcome
Blue- Thank you
Bee- *HICK!*

Don't scare me like that!
"You give me a stroke heart attack combo!"

I can't operate technology
Blue- *shutting down computer the way you're not suppose to* Oh well. It brought this upon itself.

"Yes I'm sassing my computer but it sassed me first"

"See, percussive maintenance, it has a term. If it has a term it works... mmmost of the time"

"If you don't start working, I swear I'm gonna start speaking in tongues!"

"My insulin pump is gonna make me Pentecostal! Gonna start speaking in tongues!"

We are clearly insane and violent people...
"My inner psychopath is about to appear. Not the outer one. The really inner one."

"Knock yourself out... NOT LITERALLY"

Blue- I feel like I'm gonna have a pocket knife in my heart by the end of the night
Bee- It's ok. You won't know
Blue- Gee thanks!

Blue and Bee were playing Super Smash Bros. Opponent: Pikachu

"You feel bad because he's adorable, but he's also trying to kill you"

Class was debating which day to take a test: to postpone or not... A test of which Blue was not prepared for...

Unnamed friend- Maybe we should just take the civics test today
Blue- *whips head around* I will fight you! We will throw down right here and now!

Hawk- What are you drinking?
*its red*
Blue- the blood of my enemies.

Note: Blue and Bee watch a lot of murder/CSI/crime type shows.

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