How do I even answer that?! I think a sliver of me hopes he is, while the larger part doubts he could be interested in someone as ordinary as me.

"I have my doubts. Besides, I'm on a break, remember? Even you agreed it would be good for me to focus on work and myself for a while, no distractions." I turn to the mirror and focus on touching up my hair, hoping she'll drop it.

"I agreed because you were dealing with a bad breakup, and that was over a year ago," she says with a frown. "I'm not saying rush out and have a one-night stand or anything, but would it be so bad to keep an open mind?"

"We both know one-night stands aren't my thing," I mumble, giving her a pointed look. "But I suppose there's no harm in being friendly."

"That's a good mindset," she says, smiling fondly at me. "Just be open and see where things take you tonight. No pressure."

No pressure. I like the way that sounds. It is just dinner after all, it can be simple fun. He definitely seems more relaxed now that the bidding is done.

"Come on, let's go before they think we slipped out the back," she teases before heading back out.

I follow Soph through the crowd, and smile at how lucky I am to have a friend like her. She always looks out for me and checks in to see if I'm alright and when I'm not, she's the first one to offer help. I don't know what I would have done without her back then...

"Ladies," Declan greets with a big smile. Both men stand and slide our chairs in for us. The simple yet touching gesture again making me blush. Never once has a man pulled out a chair for me, let alone twice.

This is the kind of thing that happens in movies.

Soph passes me a menu and opens one for herself. The main course choices sound fancy and the prices make my eyes go wide. Based on the descriptions that are a mix of Italian and English, I have no idea what to get.

"Seafood, poultry, or beef?" Liam whispers in my ear, clearly having picked up on my confusion.

"Umm..." I pause, chewing on my lip and trying to decide. "Poultry?"

"Are you asking or telling me?" His teasing lifts my gaze to his as it dances with mischief.

I groan in response, earning a hearty chuckle. "I like it all and like to try new things... but I think tonight I'm feeling like poultry," I reply, trying to sound more confident.

"Open-mindedness is a good trait to have," Liam muses almost more to himself. I don't miss how his eyes darken as he considers my words. The timber in his voice sounds a hair deeper when he adds, "As is a willingness to try new things."

Uncertain of what to make of his response and trying very hard to ignore my spiraling thoughts, I change directions. "So, what do you recommend?"

"This one is basically a chicken Alfredo with more of a garlic cream sauce and mixed vegetables. I've also had this one," Liam says, dragging his finger across the page. "It's more of a basil, tomato and cheese sauce with chicken and sundried tomatoes."

"Mmm, they both sound good," I mumble, chewing on my lip as I mull over those options.

Before I can make my choice, the server comes back with the appetizers and wine. A fresh strawberry daiquiri is set in front of me, replacing the empty glass.

Liam takes my distracted moment and orders both dishes while Declan orders for both him and Sophia. My eyes roam over all the different foods set out and I take a sampling of each.

"So I've got to ask, why just the three of you?" Declan asks, shifting his gaze between us.

Sophia shrugs. "Why not?"

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