A Melody With You - Chapter 15

Start from the beginning

"Of course!" she grabs my hand and holds it. "Let's go, Shuichi!" I blushed at how happy she looked and uh.. Her hand holding mine. 


We walk out of school together, still holding hands, and we get to her house. "I'm glad today happened.." I sigh. The past two days have been so stressful with my overthinking, I really thought we would never talk again. Instead, we became even closer than before. We were boyfriend and girlfriend. I couldn't ask for anything more.

"I know right! I'm happy to be with you now, Shuichi. You don't know how much I wanted this." she gives me a hug making me blush. "I love you." 

She's too cute..

My face heats up and I smile awkwardly. "I-I love you too.." I still wasn't used to her saying that. She keeps saying it too.. She must've been holding that back for a while now. She gave me a bright smile to my response.

"Do you wanna come in? ..I want to hang out again." She asks beggingly. 

I nod my head. "Sure!"

She opens the door and her grandma is on the couch while her parents were cooking something. "Hi Mom, hi dad, hi grandma!" 

"Hey Kaede! You seem happier than this morning! Did something happen?" her mom says. 

"Yup! By the way, Shuichi is here!"

"Hm? You're calling him by his first name? I guess you two are best friends so it's about time.. Hey Saihara!"

"Hello, Ms. Akamatsu." I was still flustered that Kaede was still holding my hand. 

"K-Kaede, y-you're still holding my hand, what if they see?"

"It's fine, Shuichi. I want them to know. They're my family after all." she gave me a reassuring smile. Even with her smile, I got a little nervous. Hopefully they would accept me.. 

Her grandma looked at us. She caught sight of our hands intertwined with each other and gasped. "K-Kaede! Could it be..?!"

She beams up. "Yes! Shuichi, could you tell them about our new relationship together?"

Oh god, she's making me tell them. My face turns red but I cough to compose myself. "...Yea. Me and Kaede are more than just friends now. We're dating, ever since a few minutes ago.. I-I hope you don't mind, Mr. and Ms. Akamatsu."

They immediately stop what they were doing and come to me at fast pace. 

"U-Uhh.." They looked at me with serious eyes. Were they gonna disprove of me?

Quickly, her mom's expression changed really quickly.

Her mom looked so happy. "Ahh! I knew this would happen! I knew it from the start that my sweet Kaede had a crush on you, Saihara!" 

Kaede blushed. "M-Mom, really?"

"Yes, of course! I saw how she looked at you, and she always talked about you when at home."

I chuckle and blush. Wow, had I been that oblivious to her feelings?

"You didn't have to say that in front of him though.."

She just laughs. "Please do treat her well, Saihara. I already know that you will, I trust you." She gives me a thumbs up and a smile.

Her father however.. Was different than he usually was. "Saihara, I do hope you treat our daughter well. Don't break her heart, I trust that you won't. But if you do, you will see me again, alright?" I was startled by his intimidating words, he was much more pressuring than when I first met him. I guess when it comes down to it, he is really protective over his daughter. 

A Melody With You ~ Saimatsu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now