Chapter Five

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Chapter 5-

"Alright. As much as I would love to drone on and on about the school rules and crap. I'm not going to. For one, you guys have been going to this school since freshman year so I'm guessing you're well aware of the rules. Two, they don't pay me enough." Half of the class laughed. The other half couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

This teacher seemed funny. He was our English teacher. He seemed like he was fresh out of college. He was attractive with light brown eyes and dark brown hair. Judging from the look on most of the girls and some guys faces I wasn't the only one who noticed.

"This is a college course English class. Of course, there will be essays, and many assignments. Lots of tests and quizzes. Fortunately, I'm not entirely mean. During most of these assignments you will either have a partner or I will just make it into a group assignment. This will only be during assignments. You're on your own when it comes to quizzes and tests. Essays are up for debate."

I was excited to be taught by this funny hot teacher but considering the fact that I learned everything there is to learn in high school years ago I will be bored. I don't have to read about things such as The Civil War. When I was right there. Watching it.

"Again, I could go on and on about all the things we are going to do this year. I'm not. If you are really interested in knowing you can thoroughly learn the curriculum during Open House. Do any of you have any questions?" He asked. No one raised their hands. He nodded,

"Good. I wouldn't have answered them anyway. I'm Mr. Williams to anyone who wasn't listening before. If you need me I will be sitting behind the desk. Reading." With that said he walked over to his desk. Pulled out a book and started to read. A man true to his words.

I sighed and turned to Thomas who looked half-dead. Someone needs to hunt. We don't have to feed constantly. Vampires can go up to a really long time without hunting. We usually don't though. You can never be too sure. If you get into a fight with another vamp you need all of your energy.

"I'm bored." I groaned out as I laid my head on my desk. Luckily, no one could hear me. All of the other students were either talking loudly or watching YouTube videos. Out loud. Without headphones! I felt eyes burning the side of my head. I looked up and my eyes connected with his. Thomas cleared his throat.

I looked at Thomas breaking eye contact with Collin. He gave me a knowing smile. I wanted to knock it right off.

"Don't say anything. I know what you're going to say, and you are wrong." I said, giving him a playful glare. He laughed,

"I wasn't going to say anything. I just thought you needed a break from eye-raping the guy." My face flushed, and Thomas chuckled. The rest of the class was spent with Thomas teasing me.

When the bell rang I was grateful with the chance to get away from my older brother. I was walking down the hallway when someone shouted my name. I turned around to see Collin waving his hands like a crazy person to get my attention. Oof. I turned back around and started to speed walk away. I would have run but I didn't want to seem like a nut-job.

Collin started to walk faster too. I wasn't expecting him to follow me. Everyone was watching us, as we basically ran down the hallway. I turned a corner. Suddenly I was pulled into a classroom. I was pushed against the door, with a hand covering my mouth. My eyes grew wide when I could smell the scent of a vampire.

I looked at my intruder to see Ashton staring back at me. He was looking at me intensely. I tried to speak but it was coming out muffled. This was ridiculous. Ashton shushed me and looked at the door. I listened closely and heard footsteps stop by the door. My breath caught in my throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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