Chapter Four

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Chapter 4-

High school is odd. The girls talk about guys. Guys talk about girls. Girls talk about girls. Guys talk about guys. Gosh, humans complicate everything. If you like someone just talk to them. It's that simple. The last bell of the day rang, signaling the end o school. I could feel myself let out a breath of relief. I'm was so excited that I felt like skipping.

I mean I'm not saying this was the worse first day of school in the world. I'm just saying I have never wanted to leave a place so much. Two completely different things.

I started to walk towards the exit. I could feel the smile ready to break across my face as the exit sign got closer. All of a sudden someone stepped in my way. Stopping in my tracks I made eye contact with a girl who's faced was caked up. Cindy Rivers.

She flashed a big fake smile, "Hello there. I'm Cindy Rivers." She said extending her bony hand towards me. I stared down at it for a second, before I finally shook hands with her. She quickly pulled her hand away. Even letting out a hiss.

"Woah. Your hands are really cold." She said, looking at me. I nodded, trying to think of something to say fast.

"Yeah. It's this medical condition I have called Cold Hands." I said, trying my best to sound casual. If she's stupid enough to believe that then she's an idiot. Unless there is actually a condition called Cold Hands.

Cindy nodded in understanding, "Yeah, my grandma has that." What in the world? "Anyway, I'm actually here to talk to you about something." She stood closer, and I tried my best not to give her a stank face. She leaned down.

"Now I couldn't help but notice Collin speaking to you. I know you're new here, so you probably didn't know, but he's my boyfriend. We've been together since middle school and I'm not going to let that be ruined by some random tramp. Got it?" She said, sounding bright and cheerful. What a psycho.

I wanted nothing more than to punch her in the face. I know, I know. That seems a bit dramatic. Plus, I'm pretty sure Mom wouldn't be happy with me if I got suspended on the first day of school. Maybe on the second day.

"Look Sydney," I said, purposely calling her the wrong name, "Maybe you're experiencing hallucinations from all of that make-up or something, but I have no interest in Collin. Maybe talk to that boyfriend of yours who's always trying to talk to me. Not the other way around. I would have thought you would have figured that out but, considering that you still don't know how to properly blend make up maybe I overestimated you. I just started school here. I'm not going to let my experience be ruined by some bitch. Got it?" I asked giving her a fake smile of my own.

She was stunned to silence. Opening and closing her mouth like a fish. I turned around and walked away. Cindy Rivers didn't seem like the typical 'it' girl, but I guess times have changed. She still talked like one either way.

All of this over Collin. I mentally scoffed. As if I would go off running into the sunset with him of all people. I don't even see him in that way. Maybe just maybe, and I'm not admitting to anything here, he's pretty attractive. Maybe he makes my heart do some weird things. That could mean anything. Hatred for example. Plus, he didn't act like he was in a relationship. He didn't give off that vibe. Like at all.

I finally walked out of the building and into the parking lot. Geez that took a while. I walked towards the range rover and noticed the car was surrounded by a few girls and a couple of guys. Rolling my eyes, I made my way towards the car. I just need to forget this Collin kid. He's human. Period.

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