Chapter Three

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Chapter 3-

"Break it up you two!" A male teacher shouted, running down the hallway. I looked over to see Mr. Roberts with a few other teachers coming over to stop the fight. The vampire pulled away from the human with a satisfied look on his face. The human looked horrible. I knew if the vampire wanted to do more damage he could have.

The vampire and the human were escorted away by one of the teachers. I looked over to a tense Thomas who looked alert, "I didn't know this school had other people like us." He whispered lowly, avoiding the word vampire since humans were near us.

I nodded my head in agreement, "Me too. I'm worried. That guy has to be dangerous. He was fighting a weak human. That's just awful on so many levels." I said shaking my head in disappointment. I know I despise humans, but I would not fight one. That's just an unfair and dirty fight.

"Exactly. We should definitely stay away from him. He smells like trouble." I rolled my eyes at Thomas' choice of words. That sounds like something a dad or grandmother would say. I nodded my head in agreement though. He was right. That boy was trouble.

The next two classes passed in a hurry. Thomas and I were introduced as the new kids in both of the classes. People didn't seem to care. No one tried to talk to us. Which I was more than okay with. The least humans I knew the better. The odd thing though was that Collin dude was in the same classes as Thomas and me. Along with his friend Neal. Odd indeed.

By the time lunch came around I was happy to get away from Collin's burning stare. Every time I looked behind me he was staring. It was getting absolutely ridiculous. Not to mention creepy. Although I wasn't as disgusted as I should be. Something I blamed on his good looks. Stupid good looking human.

Luckily, Thomas remembered where the cafeteria was from Martha's tour. The moment we walked inside everything hit my senses at once. First of all, the smell. The smell was horrible. It was like old meat, sweat and shame. The sound of all of the humans talking was giving me a headache. How can humans stand this?

"Liz! Tom!" I heard a familiar voice cut through the sound. It seemed like everyone else heard her shouting as well. Everyone turned to look at Martha, who started to blush from the attention. Despite that, she continued to wave us over. Thomas started walking towards her, but I grabbed his arm.

"You're actually going to sit with her?" I asked. He gave me a look like he was tired of me,

"If I'm going to get you to start liking humans. You have to actually interact with them. You have been judging them from their outer appearances. You need to get to know one." He said sounding wise. I rolled my eyes,

"You don't even know any humans Thomas." I stated, and he gave a little shrug,

"Don't have to." He said walking towards Martha. I groaned, having no other choice but to follow. I knew the entire cafeteria was watching us. The new kids. As we walked towards Martha. It felt like we were being watched under a microscope.

"Hey. Martha, right?" Thomas asked, pretending that he forgot her name. I would say that vampires have good memories but really Thomas is just great with names. She smiled at him, and I noticed a blush growing on her cheeks.

"Y-Yeah." She stuttered a little. I watched her stumble over her words with an amused grin on my face. It seemed like someone had a crush on my brother. He would love to hear that. He's so conceited. She smiled over at me,

"Hey Liz. You guys should sit with me for lunch. Well, me and my friend, Carly." Thomas smiled at Martha's friend, Carly, and said hello.

Sixteen Year Old Vampire [New Version]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt