Cordelia also received a sweater from Mrs.Weasley. The sweater is green with yellow in the middle for the C. Cordelia and Ginny's team are still undefeated with amazing stat records.

Both Cordelia and Ginny busted through the door carrying large gym bags full of their quidditch equipment and also there brooms inside of them. They kicked off their shoes and threw their bags on the ground near the door groaning in pain after yet another practice.

"Ginevra! Cordelia! You two better not have dirtied the mopped floors with your muddy quidditch bags!" They heard Mrs. Weasley yell from the kitchen.

Ginny and Cordelia glanced at each other slouching their shoulders and picked up their bags and threw them onto back porch. They walked back to the kitchen where Hermione, Ron, George, Arthur and Molly sat in the kitchen.

Molly stood at the stove stirring something as other pots and pans stirred themselves. Hermione and Ron played chess, Ron won since he's been a chess master since the age 11. Arthur read the daily profit.

"You guys have been undefeated! You two would be really good at this muggle sport called baseball." Arthur complimented folding the paper and resting it on the table.

"Softball." Hermione interrupted. "They would play softball...they're girls." Hermione said setting the chess pieces back together up on the board.

"Ah...softball!" Arthur chuckled correcting himself. Cordelia took a seat at the table and watched as Ginny went to the fridge and took the jug of milk and just started chugging it. Cordelia laughed shaking her head at her immaturity.

"Oh Cordelia! You got mail." Molly reminded Cordelia as she began passing plates out to everyone.

"Mail? Here?" She asked confused sitting up in her seat. Molly shrugged.

"Not sure why it got sent here but it did." Molly said walking to the counter grabbing the message and handing it to her. The letter was from St. Mungo's. Cordelias breath hitched.

"What is it?" George asked.

"My parents." She stated worried.

"What! What does it say?" Hermione quickly asked as Ginny took a seat across from her father.

"I don't know..but it's from St.Mungo's." Cordelia answered tearing open the flap ripping the parchment out of the envelope desperately unfolding it to read the letter. Her heart pounded as she scanned over the paper nervously reading it.

"Oh my god..oh my god..oh my god.." she repeated to herself as her eyes darted back and forth on the paper.

"Tell us!" Ron loudly said. Cordelia laughed out jumping up from her seat.

"My parents! They're being discharged and are being sent home!" Cordelia exclaimed. Hermione gave her huge hug as Cordelia was overwhelmed with happiness.

"When?" Ginny asked in joy in her voice.

"T-Tomorrow they're being sent home back at the house!" She exclaimed. Molly smiled at Cordelia as she served their dinner.

Everything is slowly going back to the way thing should be.


     March 25, 1999

Cordelias parents are home and well. They're all caught up on the sequence of unfortunate events that took place while they were in the nut house. Took them a long time to register everything but they eventually did.

The entire family attends all of her quidditch matches, the Weasley family, the Burke family, what's left of the Black family, and all of Cordelias friends.

And of course, their stat records remains perfect with zero losses. Life has been well for her and spring is rolling around the corner coming quick.


    March 25, 1999. North America.

Harry spends his evenings alone in his empty apartment complex as he watches the endless channels on television. He doesn't bother to cook anything, he just orders take out almost every night or just doesn't eat.

Harry often considers returning back to London to his friends he needs the most but he figured that they would probably never forgive him for running away like he did.

He figured at this point they think he's dead, and that they all grieved and processed his death already. Harry was right, that's the situation but no one will be mad for running away like he did. Sure, they'd be pissed in the moment but as long as he would be back, everything will be okay.

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