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Your Pov
When we got back to BC Sol Shu stayed in the boys dorms. For a week, but then he had to leave I was a bit sad but I will see him on the tournament when we are against his team. I still keep in touch with Cilo, Diago, Lui. Sometimes they facetime me and we train like that. But It's separate never the four of us. Lui doesn't really get along with Diago. I'm currently going to Chris to ask her a question. I am a bit nervous to ask her but this pressure I feel to know my feelings I must ask her. She's older so she might know something. As I got closer to her office I was nervous. I knocked on the door.

''Come in''-chris

''Hello chris''-y/n

''what's going on y/n you seem sick''-chris

''I'm fine but I just want to ask you a question''-y/n

''Go ahead''-chris

''umm have you ever been in a situation where you don't know where your feelings reside''-y/n better say it fast and get it over with

''That's a long story but I'm glad to tell you when i was small about 8 years old I loved playing Beyblade but the other girls didn't but there was two boys who always played with me. The first boy name was Park Sunghoon (LOL IK I USED A ENHYPHEN MEMBER NAME)he had black hair and very pale skin, dark blue eyes.The other was Minato Shoyo he had blonde hair, pale skin, blue eyes. We all became friends very fast. Once we got to High school I realized I had feelings for both of them. But I didn't knew who I love truly. They both confessed there feelings for me and the pressure I felt. I wanted to be friends with both of them. It took me a week before I knew who I loved. During that week it was horrible I wanted to hang out with them. The one I truly loved was Sunghoon and Minato i loved him as a brother. The three of us still stayed as friends. Minato ended up going to America to be a Beyblade teacher. Sunghoon is the very teacher that teacher's the BC Sol students here''-chris

''Sunghoon our coach so your still together''-y/n i was absolutely  shocked

''Yes we are still together''-Chris laughing

''How did you knew you loved sunghoon''-y/n

''He was the first one I thought about when i woke up, the one I would get jealous with if another girl talked to him, the one that would make my heart beat like crazy, when he would go away I missed him''-Chris

''With minato''-y/n

''I always saw him as a brother I realized it when I saw other siblings playing with each other. We would act like siblings with eachother''-chris smiling

''Thanks chris you made me realize who i truly love''-y/n as i ran out of her office

Your pov

I didn't realize it but when I see this person. My heart always beats like crazy. I always want to see this person. They make me happy like no one else. I will confess my feelings to him in person. I must tell the others too so i won't give them hope. I still want to be friends with the others.

I will do an ending for each character and I will do one shots for the characters in case you want to know what happens when your dating them.

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