Chapter Seventeen: What now?

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Belle had agreed to stay with Elijah for a couple days, though the entire time they avoided each other. Neither knew what to say to the other. They both needed comfort, and both wanted it from the other, but they were way to scared to initiate anything. How could Elijah look Belle in the eye after everything he had put her through?

How could Belle look Elijah in the eye when her misunderstanding cost them everything?

Absolutely everything was different. All they could feel was a dull ache, something missing. They craved the other like nothing they'd ever experienced before but their crippling guilt was stopping any reconciliation between them. 

A mournful looking Elijah Mikealson sat at the oak wood kitchen table. A mug of tea next to him as he 'read' the newspaper adorned in his usual suit. He barely looked up as Belle entered the room, her face unreadable. Which Elijah took as unapproachable. "If you should wish, you should leave tonight," He said as if he had given up completely. 

"Do you want me to leave?" She countered quickly. If she was totally honest with herself all she wanted was to be married again. Happily married.

"What sort of question is that Belle," He snapped. 

Belle sighed as she grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filling it up, she gently turned to face him. "You are so distant since i told you. I don't know what I am supposed to do now Elijah." 

The man, with a sudden burst of hope, stood up. He walked silently, and almost painfully slow, until he was stood in front of his ex wife. They were both incredibly vulnerable in this moment, and still unsure of themselves. "I am so so sorry Belle, I have ruined everything and I am sure you will never forgive me. I would understand if you didn't, but you must know that I still love you. I still want to spend the rest of our lives together. I will always love you," He spoke with such conviction that it almost knocked the breath out of Belle. He placed his hands either side of her face, and they could both feel their mate bond aching to reconnect. 

"How can you love me when i lost our baby," her voice was barely a whisper. It was full of pain and self hatred. Something Elijah had never wanted to hear her sound like. 

"What happened was not your fault, it was mine. I should have told you," He sighed, rubbing her tears away. "I will forever miss our unborn child, but it was never your fault." As he finished his sentence Belle had chosen her course of action. And lightly pressed her lips against his. 

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