Chapter Fourteen: Impending Attack

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Artega stood over the wounded Free Forcer boy, who lay bound to the plastic rails of the hospital bed by stout straps of braided black synthetic. The boy's eyes, startlingly blue in his pale face, stared resolutely at the glowing light panel overhead.

The Strator glanced at the white-coated man watching lights and blue worm-crawls on the bedside monitor. "Well?"

"I think he's strong enough now," the man replied stiffly. "But I am still against it."

"Fortunately, Dr. Methon, it is not your decision." Artega turned back to the boy. "I have some questions for you."

"I've got nothing to say." The boy's voice was hoarse but fierce.

"You have no choice. Doctor?"

Stonily, the doctor lifted a syringe from a tray of instruments by the bed. He removed the protective cap from the ceramic needle and squirted pale green liquid into the air. The boy watched warily as the needle approached his arm and winced as it stabbed home. Then his eyes widened abruptly before dropping closed. His chest began to rise and fall rapidly.

The doctor nodded to Artega and stepped back.

"Can you hear me?" Artega said.

"Yes," the boy whispered.

"What is your name?"


"Vik, there is something I need to know that only you can tell me. Will you help me?"


"Vik, the Free Forcers fled their valley, didn't they?"


Artega leaned a little closer. "Where did they go?"

Vik frowned slightly, but he replied clearly, "The caves."

"Where are these caves, Vik?"

The boy's frown deepened. The monitor beeped. "His heart rate is elevated," the doctor said. "He's fighting it."

Artega leaned closer. "You promised to help me, Vik. Remember?"


"Where are the caves?"

The boy's chest heaved. The monitor beeped again, more insistently. "Can't..."

"Yes, you can, Vik. Where are the caves?"

Vik's hands gripped the sheet. His eyes fluttered. The monitor's beeping became constant.

The doctor glared at Artega. "Do you want to kill him?"

"Quiet!" Artega snapped. "Tell me, Vik! Where are the caves?"

The boy's mouth opened—closed—opened again. Word by slow word he choked out, "Forty...kilometres...southwest!"

"Thank you." Artega stepped back smugly. "He's all yours, doctor."

At once the doctor plunged a second syringe into Vik's arm, and slowly his struggling ceased, until he lay at rest, sweat beading his forehead and chest. Artega waited until Vik's eyes opened and met his. "You were very helpful," he said and, filled with the satisfaction of seeing the boy's horror, left the room.

His good feeling lasted only back to his office, where he found two messages waiting—one from the commander of Skybase and one from Baron Markus.

Knowing he wouldn't like what Markus had to say, he called the Skyforce commander first. "Report," he snapped as the man appeared, his florid face mottled, his neck red and bulging above his blue collar.

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