I've Been There

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"Hi, my name is Meredith. What is yours?"
The girl gulped.
"Lauren." The girl spoke quietly.
"You are safe here."
"He...hurt me."
"I know."
"No you don't. You probably have a perfect life. My dad left me when I was ten. My mom died. We were homeless. I was in foster care but I left. Then he got me."
"I never went through that. But I know how you feel. I don't have a perfect life. My dad left me when I was 3. My mom didn't want me. She was never home. She never liked anything I did. She died a few years ago. And the man who did this to you.....also did the same to me. But he kept me for weeks. I know how you feel. And I would love to help you."

"Thank you."
"No problem. I have to go back to work, but this button will page the nurses. Don't hesitate to press it ok?"

"Meredith, you need to let me stitch that up."
"Fine. But I need to find Derek. Where is he?"
"I think he needed to do a consult."
"Let me stitch that."
"Fine. But make it quick."

Alex stitch up Mer's cut.

Meredith headed toward the nurses station.
"Can you page Dr. Shepherd please?"
"Yes Dr."

Derek showed up around five minutes later.

"You paged?"
"Yes. We need to talk."
"Come here."
"Is something wrong?"
"When is something not?"
"I have a question. And I want a really honest answer."
"Ok?...go on."
"Do you want anymore...kids?"
"Wait what..are you pregnant?"
"Yes. I want more kids. But are you ready?"
"Well that girl. She has no one. Her mom died and her dad left. She is homeless Derek."
"Are you asking me if you want to adopt her."
"If you don't want to.."
"Of course. I just think it's funny." Derek cut her off.
"What's funny?"
"You were hesitant to adopt Zola. It's not funny. It's cute."
"Shut up. Is that a yes?"
"That's a yes."

Meredith went to get to know the girl better.
They talked for what felt like hours.
"I have three kids."
"Yeah. Zola, Bailey and Ellis."
"I was wondering.....if you would like to join my family? It's up to you."
"Really?! I would love to!"
"Great. I will get a social worker."
"Thank you."
"No problem."

"So she said yes. We need a social worker."
"Really? That's great. I'm proud of you Mer."
"Thanks Derek. I love you so much."
"I love you too."

A few days went by. Meredith and Lauren got really close.
"So Derek?"
"The social worker said that since she wasn't in custody of anyone that we can take her home. We have a court date but he said he has no doubt that we will get her."
"That's great."
"4 kids."
"I know."
"I am a mom of Four kids."
"Yea. You are Mer."
"This is why I love you."
"I love you too."

"Hey Lauren."
"So we have a court date. But the social worker said you are already ours as of right now."
"Thank you so much Meredith.Wait, what about mom?"
"I thought you said your mom passed away?"
"Oh. She did. I'm asking if I can call you mom."
"I would love it."
"So when can I go home?"
"You should be aloud to leave in a few hours actually."
"I have to go to work. But I will see you later."
"Ok. Bye."

To be continued.......

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