Back With The Horses

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Hello! I know this book has a lot of drama. I like stories like this though. I just feel like it adds more to the story. -Heiraelle

M- "Derek!"
D-"Yes, Meredith?"
M-"H-Hannah...has a..a..a sister."
D-"I'm done with the Clark's at this point."
M-"Bailey is putting the place on lockdown."

Meredith starts having a panic attack.
D- "woah woah, Meredith you are ok."

About 1 hour later
Meredith is head to the bathroom because she is five months pregnant.
"Hello again Meredith."
Holly taped Meredith's mouth. And she dragged her to an empty on-call room.
"Since you broke my gun earlier, I'm going to break you. Let you suffer."

After Holly broke Mers leg, her arm, her ribs, her jaw, and fractured her other arm. Holly ran. No one knew what Holly looked like. Except for Two people. Meredith and Derek.
Derek knew because he saw a picture of her when her grandmother was in the hospital. She doesn't look exactly like the picture since it has been so long.

Meredith was unconscious. After a while everyone thought it was fake or Meredith was imagining it. So Bailey called the lockdown off. Letting Holly escape. Meanwhile Jackson has been on-call for two days. With barely any sleep. So when he entered the on-call room he saw Meredith. Just there. So he picked her up and ran.
"Yes Dr. Avery." A nurse said.
"Page Karev, Shepherd, Bailey, Hunt, Robbins, Torres, and Pierce." Jackson said.

When everyone got to the trauma room they saw Meredith. More was wrong with her. She has internal bleeding and a pneumothorax. (Collapsed lung).
Derek: "Bailey, have you found Holly?"
Bailey:"No I guess she escaped when I called the lockdown off."

Meredith's POV
After I woke up I could see everyone talking  but I couldn't hear them.

Derek didn't realize Mer was awake.
Richard: "Guys. She's awake."
Derek stroked her hair.
D- "It's ok Mer. You will be fine. Arizona, how is the baby?"
Arizona: "The baby looks fine. Luckily. But she could still go into preterm labor."
Callie: ok Mer it is gonna be hard but can you move your fingers for me?"
Meredith didn't.
Callie: Or your toes.
Meredith still didn't respond.
Jackson: uh I don't think she can hear us.

The next day
Meredith was asleep and Derek stepped out to get some lunch.
Meredith slowly started moving but she didn't wake up yet.
When Derek came back he sat beside her waiting for her to wake up.
Mer had a nightmare. And she woke up screaming.
Derek: "Woah shh it's ok I've got you. It's ok.

About 30 minutes later
Bailey came in with a few interns for rounds.
Bailey: "Dr.Wilson present."
Jo Wilson: "Meredith Grey. 5 1/2 months pregnant. Attacked resulting to broken bones to the left arm, a fracture to her right arm. Broke her right leg. Broken jaw and 3 broken ribs. She had an internal bleed and a pneumothorax. Regained consciousness unable to hear.

Bailey: "Great job Wilson. Everyone out and wait for me in the hall."
"Mer, are you ok if we continue to do rounds on you or would you prefer me not to?"
Meredith just nodded saying no she doesn't mind because she could not speak. 

To be continued....

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