
772 19 13

TW sexual abuse

Derek's POV
It's been 3 days since Mer went missing. I feel helpless. What am I supposed to do.

"Shepherd! Bailey! Everyone, come here!" Richard yelled for me.

"I brought in an investigator to help us. The cops weren't much of a help."

"Hello, I'm Michael. I will be the investigator on this case. I will be pulling each of you aside to ask questions. I will also need to know the basics."

"What is the victims name?"
"Meredith Grey."
"How would you describe her appearance?"
"She is 5ft 7" She has a dirty blonde hair. She is thin and she has green eyes." I replied shakily.

"Ok. Callie Torres, could you please come with me?"

"When was the  last time you seen Meredith?"
"Friday morning, we had a small conversation. I'm in ortho and she is in General so I don't see her a lot."

He continued to ask random questions no one was prepared for.

"Do any of you guys know anyone who would hurt or want to hurt Dr. Meredith Grey?"

Everyone stayed silent.

"Well, over the past years, three people have tried to attack her. Some successes. A few years back I had a patient, she needed surgery. However, I announced her brain dead. Her husband didn't like that so he umm.  He uh shot up the hospital. Including me. Meredith tried to sacrifice herself for everyone but Dr. Christina Yang persuaded Mr. Gary Clark not to." I couldn't talk anymore. I was on the verge of tears. Everyone was.

"These last years, his son of a bitch grandkids came after Meredith." Alex said.

We continued to talk things out until Richard asked this question.

"Can you look to see if Finn Dandridge
Is still locked up for us?"

"Yes Sir."
Michael started looking up Finn's file.
"He is not, he got released 4 days ago, it looks like."

The room went dead silent.
"He tried to attack Meredith."
"Ok. I can find his location."

"Stop! Please!"
Meredith tried screaming as Finn started to rape Meredith again. He shoved a shirt in her mouth so she couldn't scream.

Back to the meeting
"Ok. I found his location."
"What is it? I'm gonna kill him." Alex Said.
"We aren't killing no one Karev." Richard jumped in.

"So, who here has not personally met Finn?"
Callie, Arizona, Owen April, Jackson and Alex raised there hands. (I know Alex probably has but he is a good fit.)
"Ok. Callie and Alex, you two will be investigating. You will dress up in a police uniform and check out his house or whatever you call this place. Arizona and Owen, you two will guard the doors."

"I have a headset, a camera, a pin camera, which is a small camera you pin to your shirt. Alex, you will wear the Pin camera. April and Jackson, you two will be a bit away from the house with cameras. Meanwhile the rest of you can stay here and watch what is going on. Me and Derek will call the authorities and an ambulance, and stay a fair distance from his place. So we can listen in."

"Good plan."
"Ima kill his ass." Alex replied.
"KAREV!" Everyone said in a unison.
"Sorry. I will brutally hurt him. Then I will kill his ass."
"No, you will do as your told." Derek replied.

"We start tomorrow."

To be continued........
I got this idea from someone story. I don't remember the name. So if it's you, please comment so I can give credit. muah.

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