Procedure and Rubric

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This is how the awards will work

Step 1: Judges will receive 5 books to judge

Step 2: Each judge must read at least 5 (or more if they think it's necessary) chapters of each book given to them

Step 3: Judges will then fill out the following rubric:

Title: 0/5

Does the title fit the story?

Cover: 0/5

Does the cover fit the story? Is it suitable?

Blurb: 0/10

Is it engaging? Does it make the reader want to read more?

Plot: 0/15

How does the storyline make the reader feel? Is it confusing? Is it too boring?

First chapter: 0/15

Does the first chapter make the reader want to read more?

Character development: 0/20

Are the characters well defined? Do they seem too grow?

Grammar: 0/10

Good spelling? Punctuation?

Creativity: 0/10

Is it original? Unique?

Overall enjoyment: 0/10

Total: 0/100

Step 4: The judges will then choose 1, 2 or no books from their group (judges must specify which place the book ranks and books will rank from 1st place to 3rd place) to be winners

Step 5: results will be announced according to the schedule that will be posted after judging starts

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