Chapter 1

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I am currently sitting in the bus with myself from the parallel world, ayanokouji kiyone.

Or rather to say I was summoned into to the parallel by a person. We both had to be together for the next 3years protecting each from being expelled.

In 1897 J. J Thomson discovered electron and in 1909 Ernest Rutherford discovered proton. This situation is like keep J.J Thomson and Ernest Rutherford together to discover something new together.

Or keeping Issac newton and Albert Einstein together for research purposes.

Presently kiyone was sleeping soundlessly with a peacefull face on my shoulder.

Well this is kind of awkward to know that the other me is sleeping on my shoulder.

"I wonder what will happen if anyone one of has feelings for other? Will I have s*x with myself? That will be very weird"

As I was thinking, I heard somebody familiar talking. It was koenji rokusuke, but as a girl!!

He or maybe she has long blonde hair and breast size might be C or D. I looked at kiyone she is also C.

Koenji was sitting in the priority seat as I first saw him. But this time she was arguing with a boy.

"Oh? What does a young boy has to do with a beautiful girl like me?"

"Umm.... Miss? Can you give up your seat to this old uncle?"

"Oh? And why would you think I might give up my seat?"

"Because you will be helping the senor citizen, so you ma-"

But before the boy could say something koenji spoke up.

"Oh? Looks like the boy over there is interested to give up his seat, so ask him over there" She pointed at me avoiding to give up his seat.

The boy turned towards me with a smile. I recognized that boy who I was familiar, it was Kushida kikyou.

But she was a boy and short hair and was wearing boys uniform. I wonder if he is having a hidden side?

He had been starting at me so I had no choice but to give up my seat. I placed kiyone's head towards the window and I stood up leaving my seat to the old man.

I avoided talking to the boy kushida and stood near the door of the bus.

The bus reached a stop, there was nobody in the stop so the bus waited for a minute and started to move. I was standing at the door taking some fresh air when I heard someone shouting.

"Wait!! Stop the bus!!" A girl was screaming and running trying to catch the bus.

I saw her running hard so I decided to help her by lending a hand.

"Miss grab my hand" I lent my hand forward so she could take my hand.

She grabbed my hand and I pulled her inside the bus.

"Thank You so much for helping me get on the bus or else I would have been late to school!"

"Well I am glad I could help you"

"Oh! Sorry I forgot to introduce myself I am Suzuki shizuku, nice to meet you!"

"Ayanokouji kiyotaka"

We both started talking about the school, and shizuku was in class D. But I don't remember seeing a girl shizuku Suzuki in my world.

As we both were talking with each we reached our destination, ANHS.
I got down the bus so did shizuku.

"Umm, you might go on I am waiting for my friend"

Shizuku left towards the auditorium. As I was waiting for kiyone, another person stepped out of the bus, who I was familiar with. The devil horikita suzune, but she was now a boy.

"Can I say something to you?" Was the first question he asked.

"Sure" I replied as I didn't know to interact with the demon.

"Thank You for giving up on your seat in the bus, you help that senior citizen " he said with a genuine smile.

The moment horikita smiled I flinched. I had never seen horikita smile happy around anybody but here she is thanking me for helping the old person.

The first time I meet her, she questioned me why I was looking at her. So this what changes will be in characteristics and behavior.

"Likewise" I replied.

"Oh! By the way I am horikita suz, nice to meet you"

"Ayanokouji kiyotaka"

"I hope we do our best ayanokouji kun!! See you later then?" With that horikita left.

After horikita left, finally kiyone came out of the bus, stretching her body.

"Are we here kiyotaka?"

"Yes, we are here. Did you sleep well, kiyone?"

"I slept like snorlax, it feels good to sleep peacefully once in a while"


As we were talking, a sudden gust of wind flew by us, which blown kiyone's skirt reveling her white underwear.

"White.." Oh no I said it out loud!

"Ahh, pervert!!" Kiyone slapped me the moment she heard me. I went flying and hit the ground hard. She is on the same level as me!

"Why did do that for?"

"You saw my underwear"

"So what's wrong? After all we both are same person but different gender, if you want I can show you mine"

"Nooooooo!" Kiyone ran away.

I never expected myself to react like this. We both maybe same but kiyone can show some emotions of a girl, while I?

Forget about it now let's enjoy my freedom once again shall we? I was holding my cheek where kiyone slapped me.

"It hurts...."

To be continued.....

I have one question who is smarter kiyotaka or Albert Einstein?

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