" Please take a seat " the man was overexcited meeting X

Without saying a word, Xander sit on one of the couch,while I sit beside him

They both started talking about some deal, I just sat there on one of the couch doing nothing in particular just then a woman also came and greeted both of us, well not us only him

Apparently, the man, Mr. Kabral is the important delegate X was talking about, and the woman is his wife.

" Ok so Mr. Kabral here is the deal, Take a look " said X and forwarded a file

The man opened the files and furrowed his brows in confusion

" Umm, I'm sorry Mr. Black, but I think the file is misplaced " Mr. Kabral said

" No, I don't think so " X said
" Read loudly what is written " he ordered

Mr. Kabral flinched by the tone X used, X has this habit of intimidating people

" My sister's heart transplant didn't happen because of your trash of a daughter and now, I broke your daughter's heart beyond anything " Mr. Kabral read in a loud and clear voice, he was still confused

I was first confused but then realisation hit me that he is my father, the man sitting infront of me is my father, my real father for whom I've longed for years.

I looked beside me to see X already looking at me with a smirk on his face and a look which says ' surprise'

This was all his plan, that's why he bring me here in India to humiliate me more.

I never knew that my father is from India, although I did suspected by my looks and everything. I was analysing everything when I heard X voice

" What did you thought that I would leave your daughter? Huh?? Because of your this unwanted daughter I lost my happy family " X spoke venemously looking at Mr. Kabral and pointing his fingers towards me.

The man was utterly Confused and so was his wife.
Poor couple!

" Which daughter? How do you know Inaara? " My supposedly biological father asked looking worried and tensed

Oh That's how it sounds when a father is worried
He was worried but not for me!

" What Inaara, I'm talking about this daughter of yours. Sia Fucking Evans " X yelled pulling me by my arms

Shock was an understatement right now for both the man and his wife. They both looked at me trying to register everything

" You are Katie's daughter? " Mr. Kabral said almost inaudibly

I didn't said anything just stared at the person who is supposedly my father

"Yes, she is and I must tell you that you did so right by abandoning her. She is a bitch, a real bitch " X said digging his nails in my arms

How much of a hatred he has stored for me?

" I have one more daughter " Mr. Kabral said to himself

" What? Why are you this shocked? This is just a tit for tat. because of you and your unwanted daughter, my sister and mom are no more. What did you think that I'll leave you huh??" X said viciously

" Don't you know that I'm Xander Black " X said evilly

He and his obsession about himself

Mr. Kabral was about to speak but before that another voice said" hey Dad, sorry I'm la- " A girl around my age said

" Oh hi" she said giving a small flirtatious smile to X

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