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Alaric's POV:
After Damon told us that he has been here before, I felt terrible. "What happened to you here?" I asked. He sighed and started pacing and told us that he has been tortured, healed and tortured again.

"Their main goal is to figure out how fast vampires heal, how their blood changes someone, and before I left, they were trying to figure out how to make new vampires," said Damon. The girls gasped while I felt like vomiting after hearing that my friend had to go through this.

Elena' POV:
I felt like crying for him after hearing what he had to go through but instead I held it in and tried to be strong for him. "How did you not go crazy?" I asked him. He looked down and I saw him look at Bonnie and she gave him a small nod.

Damon's POV:
I gave a small smile that only Bonnie noticed, I looked up at Elena and said "Believe it or not, I had a friend. His name was Enzo and he was captured by Augustine during the war." I felt my chest tighten when I started talking about him.

I told them how we met and what we did, and a little bit about what we talked about. I saw a tear go down Elena's cheek." I'm so sorry, that you had to go through that." she said while tearing a bit.

I looked at her and said "It's fine Elena. How can you be fine when you had to suffer through this?! How long were you here?! Does Stefan know about this?!" she exclaimed.

"I just am. I was here for five years give or take and no Stefan does not know about what happened and he didn't know about this place till now." I said with a little bit of bitterness in my voice.

"How did you escape?" she asked with worry. I sat down on the cell floor and didn't respond to her. I heard the door open and I saw Aaron, he looked at me and was shakingly holding a gun. "Never held a gun before little Whitmore" i said while smirking.

He glared at me and said "I know one of you *points the gun at Caroline, and Elena* killed Megan and possibly my parents." "We all liked Megan, we wouldn't have killed her" Elena said. He pointed a gun at Caroline and I looked at him and said "She didn't kill them. I killed your parents" He looked at me and pointed a gun at me "Why did you kill them?!" I gave him a small smile and said "They deserved it for what they did to me, I have killed almost every generation of Whitmore." I was about to say something else before I blacking out.
Time Skip:
I woke up with a splitting headache and tried to get the bullet out of my head. I saw Stefan back on his cell and everyone looked at me concerned. "Are you ok?" I heard Bonnie ask me.

I looked at her and got up. "Never been better" i said sarcastically. I drank a little bit of my ration and I looked at Stefan who was on the floor and had some burn marks on his arm.

I felt rage consume me and Elena looked at me with worry in her eyes. "Tell us how you guys got out, it could help us, please Damon." she pleaded. "It wont help Elena." I said a little bit annoyed with her pressing the subject. "Just tell them Damon, they got to know." she said while looking at me. They all looked at her confused.

"Fine, every New Year's Eve Augustine had this party where they would showcase the healing powers of vampire blood. So one day Enzo and I came up with a good plan. We decided that one person would get both of our rations from that day till we were let out, so we play Rock, Paper, Scissors. I won so when we got out, I freed my hands from the handcuffs and killed anyone I could get my hands on."

I felt my emotions trying to come out but I pushed them down and continued my story. "A fire started when one of the guys trying to run out the building knocked over a candle. I went over to Enzo and tried to get the cage open but the bars were covered in vervain so I shut off my emotions and left my friend to die in a fire." i said with no emotion. I saw pity in their eyes and Elena started crying.

I looked around the room and saw a bullet on the floor that Aaron must have dropped. I grabbed it and handed it to bonnie who made the bullet smaller and slimmer, she handed it back to me and I put it inside the lock.

Caroline looked at me and asked "What are you doing?" I started picking the lock. "What does it look like I'm doing blondie?" I opened the cage and looked at them and said "Ta Da!" Alaric looked at me surprised and asked "When did you learn how to lock pick?" I ignored the question and got everyone else out.

I was about to open Elena's door when I heard footsteps, I tried to pick the lock as fast as I could and I heard the footsteps get louder. She looked at me and told us to go before they catch us. I looked at them and then at her. "I am not leaving you here." I tried again till I got her out of the cage and we left Augustine.

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