Chapter 13

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The door opened and in front of us stood a lady who looked fairly in her late forty's and shared many face features as Damon. I am assuming that it is his mother and honestly she very beautiful; he had ocean blue eyes, dark Burnette hair and average height.

"Damon!" She exclaimed, and stepped up to hug him really tight. Once they finished their warm moment, his mother turned to me. She scanned me from and head to toe and them smiled and gave me a warm hug. It was awkward as I wrapped my arms around her as well in return.

We let go and she gave Damon a smirk. "She is beautiful Damon. You better keep her." I turn red at this while Damon enjoyed the moment and my uncomfortable state.

"Oh my gosh! Look at me just talking to you at the door with this unbearable chill, come on in!" she guided us inside. "Boys, they are here!" She yelled in the house. For a woman with three days, she had a great set of lungs.

"Damon She is even more beautiful than you described her to be. "His mom says to him, and I saw his checks turn pink. well that is a first.

"I must agree. he mentioned that she was beautiful but I didn't expect her to be breathtaking." We heard a voice as man entered the room. I am guessing that it was his father.

"Dad!" Damon exclaimed and turned a little red. I laughed. Oh his parents sure know to embarrass him in front of a girl. But I must say, Damon was a total clone of his father. Same eyes, figure and hair but Damon was slightly taller than his father. his mother gazed and me and gave me a warm, welcoming smile, "We are glad to have you stay in our homes for the holidays. I'm Natalia by the way. Natalia Salvatore" She introduces her herself, "And this my husband, Ethan Salvatore." She added. I smiled and took my hand out to shake but instead Natalia hugged me in a tight embrace, again. She must be a hugger.

"Mom, if you hug her anymore, she will suffocate." I heard Damon mutter to his mom.

"We promised to be nice to your girlfriend, and Salvatore's are people of their word." Damon's father said. Girlfriend! I was not his girlfriend! what lies was he telling his parents. before I could contradict, other voices were heard from the stairs.

"Like the time you promised to buy me a car dad?" I looked to the stairs and saw two boys. One had Burnette hair and blue eyes yet the other boy had black hair and blue eyes and they appeared to be his brothers. I say to say, Salvatore men are handsome.

"Hush your tone Conner" Conner was the one with black hair and blue eyes, and he just rolled his eyes playfully at his father. The other was Stefan and he came down and took his hand out to shake.

"I am Stefan" he introduced himself. I shook my hand with him and introduced myself. " I'm Aida".

"We should get going into the house. I am sure Aida doesn't to stand in the coli door all day with her bags. We can get further acquitted in the sitting area." Connor suggests.

"You are quite right son. Let's get going into the house and maybe Natalia can get some food ready. I'm sure the kids are hungry. I'll call butler Joe to take their bags into their accustomed rooms." Ethan said.

For a moment, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt as if I was in a fantasy movie. I thought that when I came here I would have to prove myself that I was a good person and not just any person. I had good intentions even though I was forced to be here. normally I thought that I would be facing a mean woman, and spoiled siblings along with an arrogant standard man but it is totally the opposite of what I had imagined.

As we walked deeper into the mansion, it was a beautiful space. It was not all fancy lavish with gold, it warm and comfortable and gave a homey feel to it. Though it screamed money, it also screamed home.

"So" Damon snapped me out of my thoughts.

"So what"

"Do you like them"

"Like them? I love them!" I screeched and Damon jumped a little "Your parents are so nice, and your siblings are amazing especially Stefan. He really is a gentleman. And Connor, I can't wait to talk to him and ask him all your secrets" I said evilly.

"Go ahead. I have nothing to hide." Damon replied winking at me. I laughed as he led me upstairs to a room with an ajar door. "This is your room" he says, pushing the door open to reveal a fancy room decorated with light blue's and white walls. The furniture contrasted the colors.

The room was large with French doors that lit up the entire room and let out to a balcony were there was a view of the backyard. I could see a pool, a tennis court and on the side was a small garden filled with beautiful flowers and vegetables.

"It's beautiful" I softly said

"And my room is right down the hall." Damon says with a smirk. I laughed and rolled my eyes at his cockiness, as my gaze fell on my bags in the room.

"I am going to change into some comfortable yet presentable clothes." I told him as I opened my bags.

"There's no need. You look presentable enough to be yourself." Then he looked at me mischievously. "How about waiting until after dinner?" He evilly suggested and I just shook my head. Suddenly he wrapped his arms around my waist and my eyes were wide open at his action.

" Okay I won't change, can you please let go! Someone may see us a get the wrong message!" I whisper - yell at him. Thankfully, he lets go and heads to the door, but before heading out...

"Wear a dress" he suggested.

"Why on earth would I wear a dress to feel comfortable?" I questioned his stupidity. His eyes were twinkling and it made me realize that I did not want to know his answer. "Don't answer that"

He laughed freely this time and shook his head. "It is just rule that mom made with us boys; that if your girlfriends were to come by they must wear a formal dress when its lunch invites or dinners." I understood his point

wait a sec...

"Damon I am not your girlfriend. why do you keep saying that?" I asked him. he looked at me.

"Are you not a girl"

"Yes I am but—

"Are you my friend?"

"Kind of but—

"Then why do you say that; you are not your girlfriend?" He asks smartly, and makes me become speechless.

He sure knows how to make a person feel stupid. he closed the door and left. I took a deep breath and looked around my room. The thought finally was drawn to me of where I was. I was at Damon Salvatore house, in his family's guest bedroom which was down the hall from Damon room.

It was a weird situation. I had ever stayed over at a boy's house, only Anna's because she was my best friend and her family knew my troubles. It's a big deal and I was trying to move pass it. I shudder the weird thoughts and situations as I checked to see in my bag if I had by chance packed a dress, which thankfully I did.

I was a warm Ted baker knitted long sleeved dress in black top and green feminine skirt that reached below my knees. Since it was winter I decide to wear some leggings for comfort as well. This was given to me as a present from Auntie June last year when I competed first in my exams.

I changed and looked in the mirror. Perfect I thought. This was a little daunting to me as I never slept at a friend's house before that was a boy, and I had no idea on how things were doing to work. What would happen by staying with him so close? We have only been talking for a few days and I never thought that I'd be in his house, yet meet his family.

I felt sick and slowly started to lose control over myself as I thought how inexperienced I was in this. I have no idea what is going to happen in the next three weeks while I live here, just the thought of it makes me shudder.

I shook my headed and decided to think of other things to distract myself. I realized that I was here long enough and needed to head back downstairs where everyone was. I can't freak out about this, I must be a mature adult which is the first step to reality.

Damon is going to get a big kick from me, as soon as these three weeks were over.

Wow! Family attitudes and behavior was unexpected. Let's how Brunch goes with Aida and the Damon's family.

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