Out of the Closet

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It was the first night at camp. Through the screen windows and door, Dan heard crickets chirping. He rolled over in bed and sighed. These matresses weren't comfortable. It was like sleeping on two cardboard sheets with foam between them.

Actually, Dan decided that it would be more comfortable to sleep on two cardboard sheets with foam instead of this mattress. He pushed himself up so he could place his duvet underneath of his body so that it acted as a mattress topper. He lied down, this time a little more comfortable, and then realised that he was now freezing. Even though it was the start of the summer, nights were still cool. He stood up and turned on his flashlight, which he kept under his pillow. He rummaged through his trunk for his extra duvet.

"Dan?" came a voice. "Is that you?"

Dan turned around towards the voice. "Umm...yeah?"

A flashlight came on and adjusted on the face of the voice. It was Phil. Even in the dead of night, Dan felt like jelly around Phil. His face was eerily illuminated by his LED flashlight.

"What're you doing up?" whispered Phil.

"Just getting something from my trunk," Dan whispered back in reply, finally grabbing his extra duvet and closing the lid of his trunk quietly.

"Okay. Hey, you wanna go for a walk or something?" Phil asked.

Dan nodded in his own flashlight beam. He'd take any chance he could get just to be alone with Phil for a second. After putting on their shoes and hoodies, the pair slipped out of the cabin, undetected by everyone inside except for Steven, who just shook his head and went back to sleep.

Once outside, they could both see better. The moonlight and stars lit up the earth and sparkled on the lake. Dan breathed in the fresh air. He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen something so beautiful.

And as in "something so beautiful," he meant Phil.

Although he just woke up in the middle of the night, Phil looked perfect. His ebony hair was shining in the moonlight and light danced in his cerulean orbs like the light danced on the water. Phil was Dan's breath of fresh air.

Dan and Phil walked down the path side by side, swinging their flashlights all over the ground as their arms swung with their step.

"How long have you been coming here?" questioned Dan, making an attepmt to break the silence.

"This is my third year," Phil replied quietly.

Dan didn't know what to say, so he said nothing. They walked in silence for a moment.

"So what's life like back home? Friends? Sports? Hobbies? Girlfriend?" Phil asked.

Dan dreaded the girlfriend question.

"Well...I go to school and...I play video games...I've got some friends..." Dan trailed off.

"No girlfriend?" Phil asked.

"Umm...no, not right now."

"Still got a thing with an ex or something?"

Dan felt like Phil was trying to get it out of him.

"Nope. No exes."

"You've never had a girlfriend?" Phil questioned, amazed.

Dan felt chills run all over his arms. He wasn't sure if it was from the temperature or from Phil.

"Yeah, once, in like sixth grade," Dan replied, trying to make a joke out of it. "But other than that, no boys ever like me."

Dan pulled his hand to his mouth quickly and looked at Phil. He just said boys. The first person that he ever told he was gay was this random hot guy at camp during the middle of the night. Just perfect.

Phil was quiet. ".....Oh?" Then came another silence. "Oh. You're-"

"No, I was just making a reference to this camp, ya know, because it's all boys and we were talking about like friends and stuff," Dan rambled on.

"What did you think that I was going to say that you were?" Phil asked, clearly not buying it.

"I thought that you were gonna say that I...I-I'm...gay," he finished quietly.

Phil smiled to himself. "You thought I was going to say that you're what? Sorry, I didn't catch that,"

"That I'm gay."

Phil smiled in victory. He got Dan to (kind of) admit that he was gay. Phil patted him on the shoulder.

"I know that you're gay, Dan. You don't have to tell me."


Oh Phil. ^_^

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