09. A Little Morning Fun (NSFW)

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When Peter slowly drifts into consciousness, it takes a long minute for him to realise where he is. His face is snuggled into a broad chest; Peter's eyes flickering up to catch a glimpse of messy blond hair and there are another pair of arms wrapped around his waist- a very familiar metal arm resting on his hip.


Peter's face burns bright like a flame, a hot flush surging through his body and he wants to disappear upon noticing that his lower anatomy seems to be responding to the close proximity of the gorgeous men beside him in a... not so convenient way.

Yeah, this isn't good.

He wants to untangle himself from the sleeping soldiers, but then he'd risk waking them up, and if they looked down, well, Peter would be done for.

The teen finds himself in a dilemma, deciding whether or not to stay like this a little longer or just get up and make a break for it.

But unfortunately, it seems like a decision is made for him as he hears a soft groan from Steve- that totally didn't make his dick twitch at all- and Bucky shuffles a little, holding Peter tighter.

He shouldn't have done that. Because the moment he did, Peter accidentally lets out an embarrassing whimper, excruciatingly aware of just how much body heat these two are emitting, which is way higher than the average human- is it due to the serum?- and how close their... lower halves are to each other.

Steve and Bucky's eyes immediately snap open at the sound, looking down at the boy nestled in between them, his face adorably red and eyes squeezed shut.

Bucky is about to ask Peter if he's okay, when he notices Steve's eyes widen suddenly, a smirk forming on his lips. Confused, Bucky raises an eyebrow at his friend, 'What is it?' he asks him inwardly.

But Steve only smiles back mysteriously, purposely moving his knee forwards a little, until, until... they hear a soft moan leave Peter. The boy quickly slaps a hand over his mouth, looking absolutely mortified, and the older men can't help the sudden flare of arousal that wash over them.


Oh, what a shy darling.

Bucky looks over Peter's shoulder, seeing the boy hard in his pants, Steve's thigh innocently placed beside the erection.

"...Peter?" Steve says, after a long pause.

Peter doesn't reply, and still has his eyes shut, scared to open them. He knows they've seen it- oh god he wants to die, why does his body have to betray him like this?

"Peter, look at me?" The blond pleads, reaching a hand out to touch his cheek.

Reluctantly, he does as he's told, eyes glassy with moisture as he glances up at the super soldiers.

"I-I'm so sorry," Peter whispers. "I didn't mean to, I swear- I, I'll just go-" Peter is ready to get up, to leave before they tell him to. But he's stunned when they lead him back down onto the bed, pulling his body closer into theirs. He lets out a startled squeak at the action.

"Hey hey, it's okay, baby," Steve coos, his hand rubbing Peter's arm. "It happens, it's completely normal. There's nothing to be ashamed about." Despite that comment that Peter is positive was intended to be reassuring, it only makes him blush further, more embarrassed that they know he's hard.

"I know, but..." but it won't go away, if he stays here like this. They're affecting him too much. "...s'awkward. This-this wouldn't have happened if-"

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