4 | Do I make you nervous?

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As Mildred's quick fingers started to undress me she were closer to me then ever before. Our legs were slightly touching as she had moved closer to me. My cheeks flushed as I felt her body touching mine.

I took this opportunity to study her even further. Her hair was pinned back in a perfect updo that suited her very well. It made her look powerful. Her red lips were shut tight together and she still wore her stern expression.

When I felt the cool air hit my skin I knew she was done with the buttons and I started to feel very exposed once again.

I focused on her face and saw a something I've never seen before. Was she worried? About me? Her eyes widened a bit when she had finished unbuttoning the top half of my dress. My chest was covered in deep red blood.

I was gonna take the sleeves off my body so she could have a better access to my wound but as I started to move pain shot through my whole body. I held back my tears but faild to choke back the whimpers and moans of pain.

"Stay still. I will take it off for you" and so she did.

Now I sat on the bed with my top half completely exposed other than my bra and my face was so red from the embarrassment I was feeling.

Mildred were now examining the cut. Sitting very very close to me. I could feel her hot breath on my skin and it turned me on. Maybe this was also a part of why my face was burning up.

I tried my hardest not to stare at her behind as she was leaning forward towards me but I miserably failed. As I was focused on her ass I didn't even notice her looking right at my face.

"Ms y/n how are you feeling? Your face is all flustered, maybe you're getting a fever" she said.

This brought me back to reality and I made myself look into her beautiful deep brown eyes.

"No I don't think that's what it is" I said in a shy voice. I didn't want her to worry in vain.

She raised an eyebrow at me. "Well since you seem to be the expert here why don't you tell me why your face looks like a tomato". She was mocking me.

I slightly panicked because I couldn't possibly tell her that I was attracted to her and that my face was all red because my chest was exposed to her.

"I-I just don't feel like have a fever nurse Ratched. I didn't mean to disrespect you. Of course you are the expert so maybe I do actually have a fever because you're certainly always right-"

"Enough ms y/n" she had stopped me from rambling and let out a small chuckle. I felt so small in her presence.

"You shouldn't talk so much, we still need to get you a couple of stitches to fix you up. Lay down for me" I just nodded in responds and laid down. I tried not to show how much I enjoyed following her orders but the truth is that I felt a deep pleasure from doing so

She exited the room and came back moments later with all the gear she needed. I wasn't scared because I trusted Mildred and even though she was intimidating I felt safe being around her.

As she was about to begin she looked at me and gave me a small smile. It was so quick I could've missed it if I wasn't already so focused on her beautiful face.

It was a small procedure so everything went well. It hurt quite a bit but it was all worth it because when she had finished the last stitch she leaned into my ear and whispered "we're done, good girl".

I stopped breathing for a moment and watched her as she pulled away from me. Her eyes lingered on my naked skin and I felt like she was undressing me further with her eyes.

Suddenly my heart started racing and I felt very hot.

"Are you feeling okay?" Mildred asked while still examining my body.

"I-I do y-yes I feel f-fine" I stuttered.

"Why are you so nervous? I told you, we're done. You can relax now."

I swallowed hard and tied to calm down but failed. Mildred was watching me the whole time and understood that it wasn't the injury that made me like this.

A grin formed on her lips as the realized the power she held over you.

"Do I make you nervous y/n?"

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