Chapter 1

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Year 845

Cool wind seeped through the spaces of my clothes as I gathered the remaining logs and sticks for the fire later. Not gonna lie, life here in the walls is pretty peaceful if you ask me. Even with some crimes happening, I consider living here like I'm in heaven. Wall Maria may be the poorest part of the walls, but with my family and friends, I couldn't find anything better than this.

I sigh in bliss and I wrapped it up for the day. I dusted my dress and my hands━gotta keep up the proper hygiene or else my mom would scold me as I carried the basket of sticks and small logs on my shoulder before venturing home. I was excited on going home because I heard from my friend, Eren, that the Scouts are coming back. The reason why is that my father is one of the heroes that protects us from the titans. He would always go home tired and groggily, but as he rest, he would always tell stories about his adventure or teaching me about the titans and how they look like and brag about how many titans he had killed.

I smiled and as I got to the gate of Wall Maria, I saw a familiar hair color of black and brown━one of them is a girl and it looks like they were arguing about something. I grinned happily as I approached the two of them with a bounce in my steps.

"Eren! Mikasa!" I called out as they both looked over my shoulder

Eren waved back with enthusiasm and Mikasa only nodded. She and me have a good friendship but not that close to best friend. I guess she was just worried that I might steal Eren away from her, but I'll never know, she's pretty mysterious and scary. Although, me, Eren and Armin have been best friends since children.

"Hey, I guess you two went on harvesting some woods too, huh," I snickered

Eren scratched his head in embarrassment, "Yeah," He answered as I squinted my eyes at him, "You're eyes are red and your have some sort of dried up tears on your cheek. Are you okay, Eren?" I questioned with concern

He looked away and then gave Mikasa a look. She sighed before speaking, "No. You're just seeing things," She bluntly said

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but I decided to not ask any further as the three of us walked inside. Our walk was filled nothing but Mikasa and Eren's arguing again. I couldn't really hear but I tried to butt in the situation, not until a certain Garrison soldier blocked us.

"Someone messing with ya'?" They asked as the three of us looked up to see Mr. Hannes━drunk again, "Hey, Mr. Hannes!" I greeted

"Or did you just got on Mikasa's bad side?" He slurred, looking down at us

Eren scowled, "No! What are you talking about?!" Then, he looked away and covered his nose, "Man, you smell like booze!" He whined

I noticed some of the other Garrison soldiers were having a drinking session, "Aren't you guys... I don't know.. on guard?" I asked with doubt

Mr. Hannes pumped his chest, triumphantly, "Yup! Thirsty work if you ask me.." And he kept blabbering on how bored when there is zero titan activity going on.

This made Eren's blood boil, "What if they break in and you're loose on your feet?" His statement made me gasp in fear

Of course, anytime, the titans can break in our walls, and we have no idea when, where and how will that happen. This is the anxiety I tried to avoid. Even after 100 years of being trapped inside of these walls, any possible outcome can happen anytime and we were not ready and there's a high chance that the population might drop again.

I couldn't hear anymore of the conversation Eren and Mr. Hannes were having as my breathing became heavy and fear clouded my mind to the point I can't think straight. I gulped constantly as my nose burned, knowing that my tears will be spilling soon. Until a gentle hand was placed on my back and I turned to see Mikasa━already know that I'm about to die of a panic attack.

She sighed in distress as she grabbed Eren from behind, "Eren. Let's go," She demanded

He was about to answer back, but he saw how uncomfortable I am at the situation. He lowered his stance and sighed in defeat as we said our goodbyes to the Garrison soldiers. Unconsciously, I wrapped my arms around myself and tried to steady my breathing━it's pretty much my coping mechanism to my panic attacks. Me, my friends and family are the only ones who knows about my panic attacks and how to calm me down. The two were silent as we all walk home, but not until we have the capital's bell ringing━announcing that the Scouts are coming home.

Me and Eren's eyes shimmered as we ran to the main gate of Wall Maria. As we got there, people already flooded the area as we tried to find something to hop on to look taller and higher━luckily there were boxes lying around and I was pretty tall enough to see. As we saw the view, our hearts drop. Most of the scouts were injured━there bodies wrapped in bandages, others laid on the carriages and they were less than 50 when they left, the others might be missing and the rest... Well, you probably know. I sighed in despair as people started murmuring how the scouts pretty much take all of their taxes and this is the thanks that they get. I saw one scout hopped off his horse and made his way to me.

My eyes widened as they people made way for the blonde man. He kneel in front of me before speaking, "My name is Erwin Smith, captain of the special ops squad of the Scout Regiment," He introduced, "Are you Mia Ichinose?" He asked

Hesitantly, I nodded in response, "You're father was an amazing man and a brave fighter. He put his heart into our mission and saved us,"

Confused and nervous on his words, I decided to ask, "Wh-what happened..?"

He sighed as he pulled out a patch and a cape of the Scout Regiment. The patch is dirty and old, while the cape have old blood splatter and it was worn. I gasped as he handed the items to me, "This came from your father. He.. died protecting one of his comrades," He whispered, as if the conversation was confidential

I hiccuped as I hugged both items and dropped to my knees in despair. People started murmuring━saying that I didn't deserve my father's death and others who insulted him on "being a hero". I felt strong arms wrapped around my figure as Captain Smith mumbled uplifting words to me, that my father was brave to sacrifice himself to the betterment of humanity and he is in a better place now. Tears soaked the captain's cape as my figure shake━my body can't take much burden. All of my father's effort to be the best and to keep me safe went all to waste. He pulled away and went back to his horse, while I cried and cried━praying that this is all a nightmare, but nothing was snapping me out.

As the scouts finally left, people started leaving too, some stayed to talk shit about the scouts. I wasn't able to stand up from earlier and I was still crying my heart out, "Mia, you should go home and rest.." Mikasa suggested, intertwining her hands into my mine

"Yeah.. I agree with Mikasa, Mia," Eren said

Too weak to reply back, I nodded and stood up━dusting the dirt of my dress as Mikasa and Eren pulled me in to a loving hug, whispering that I should stay strong and make my father proud once I grow up. I left the two without saying any words as I sadly venture my way back home.

Porco kicked the dock in frustration, "I can't believe Braun got a titan before me!" He complained before going back to the headquarters, "I did everything I can! I trained harder and harder, yet he still got the titan," He huffed

Zeke laughed nervously at the fuming, ginger head boy, "That's okay, Porco, you'll get a titan next time," He reassured

Porco scoffed at the eldest warrior as Pieck spoke, "But, I do feel something was off," She stated, "Especially Marcel," She added

Zeke's glasses gleamed in agreement, "Precisely, Pieck!" He praised the girl as he pointed a finger at her

"Well, maybe he's just afraid that his little brother might get the curse of Ymir," A gentle voice spoke behind them

The trio looked behind them and saw Mona━one of the holders of the 10 titans. Porco clicked his tongue in annoyance, "Shut up. I damn well can handle myself.." He muttered before smirking towards the brunette, "What you should really handle is a surprise for Mr. Lover boy once he gets back," He teased

The other 2 snickered at Mona's reaction as she tried to fight Porco off. Her titan and Marcel's have this certain connection that no one can describe. They say it's probably have to do something about the first holders of those titans and as it's passed down to the generations, the connection continues on. 

𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐒 ➸ 𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘤𝘰 𝘨𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘳𝘥Where stories live. Discover now