Chapter Two

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    //TW// Mention of abuse 

"SAGE!" Evren yells in the distance. "SAGE PLEASE HELP ME!" Sage wakes up confused, "EV?" She yells back. "EVREN I'M COMING!" Suddenly the screaming stops. And everything stops. Suddenly there's just nothing. "Ev-" Sage starts, but doesn't finish because she can't hear herself. Muffled screams break the silence. "OH MY GOD," Sage yells, jerking up from her nightmare. "It... was just a dream?" She thinks to herself. "Sage are you alright?" Evren asks, rushing in Sage's room after hearing the screams. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine... just a night terror..." Sage says quietly, still very obviously shaken. "What was it about?" Evren asks, care flooding her voice. "N-Nothing," Sage stutters. "Are you sure?" Ev questions. "Well you were in it," Sage says reluctantly. "Really? I was?" Ev says. "Yeah, you were," Sage replies. "Tell me about it," Ev urges. "Well I started off "waking up" in my bed and hearing you screaming, begging me to help you. I got up to go help you, and then the screaming stopped. And then everything stopped and I couldn't talk or move..." Sage says, tears filling her eyes. "Sage..." Evren says as she wraps her arms around Sage and pulls her in for a hug.

It's pretty rare that Sage cries, so when she does you know it's serious. This is the moment they realized they probably should be more than just "friends". This is the moment they realized they weren't "normal,". This is the moment they fell in love. "Ev?" Sage said, sniffling. "Yes?" Evren replied. "How do you feel about me..?" Sage asked. "Whatever do you mean?" Evren responded. "I mean what do you want us to be? Because I don't know what we are but I sure as hell know it's not just a princess and a servant.." Sage says nervously. Evren stops for a minute to think. "I-" she starts. "I want us to be so much more than that," She said. Evren then gets up and pulls Sage into a kiss. Sage is obviously excited. It felt so warm, and inviting. Not like the "kisses" she'd gotten from men. Evren felt so natural, and so surreal. She felt like home. She felt like soft rain on your window at night. She felt like nothing Sage had ever felt before.

They'd been in that kiss for what seemed like hours until they both pulled away. Sage started beaming, and as soon as Evren noticed she bit her lip back in nervousness. "I'm so sorry- was that bad of me to do?" Evren questioned. "Not at all," Sage said as she leaned closer and kissed Evren again. "We should get ready now," Evren said, and Sage agreed. "Mind helping me?" Sage asked. "Not at all!" Evren responded. They went into Sage's closet (ironic I know) and both started to get undressed. Once they'd changed into their dresses for the day, they shared another kiss. Again it felt warm, and happy. "We can't tell anyone about this though," Evren said seriously. "Agreed. We'd be burned!" Sage said, somewhat joking. Sage pulled Evren in for one last kiss before they had to go about their day. Evren went to go do laundry, and Sage started making her way towards her fathers throne.

While in the hallways, Sage was startled by Prince Mael who jumped out at her. "Boo!" he shouted. "WHAT THE HELL MAEL!" Sage shouted out of fear. "I'm sorry for scaring you, but I saw you walking and couldn't resist," Mael said ."What are you doing here?" Sage asked. "Your father wants me to stay until the wedding. He wants the wedding very soon," Mael responded. "Of course he does," Sage said under her breath. "All he wants is to get rid of me so that a woman won't take on the kingdom," Sage said, exhaling sharply. "Why would he not want you to rule? I think you'd make a great queen!" Mael said, reassuring her. "Thanks Mael, but obviously my father doesn't feel that way," Sage replied. They continued walking in the same direction; to Alastor's throne. They shared a couple of laughs and had a decent time. However Sage didn't know Evren was watching. Evren felt the warmth rush to her face and devour her cheeks. She felt the lump in her throat grow as she held back the tears. Her tears of jealousy. She hates seeing Sage with someone else, even if she knows it's not in a romantic way. "Whatever..." Evren thought.

When Mael and Sage finally arrived and met up with Alastor, a sly grin grew across his face. "I'm happy you two are getting along," Alastor says. "I mean I'd hope you would get along, considering you're marrying today!" he said. "TODAY?" Sage and mael said simultaneously. "You're having the wedding today?" Sage questioned. "Yes. And what did I tell you yesterday? Don't speak unless you're spoken to, little girl," Alastor said chuckling. Sage felt anger. Over running rage. She wanted to scream. She wanted to do so much that she couldn't do. All she could do was stand there, and bottle up her rage. Mael didn't know what to say. He wanted to stick up for Sage but he was frozen. "My father always taught me to treat everyone with respect, no matter their gender," he thought to himself. Sage's head sunk low and she stared at the ground while Lastor and Mael started talking. "So you mean we're getting married... today?" Mael asked Alastor. "Yes, at sundown actually! I suggest you two go and get ready. Oh and Sage, out on an actual gown this time, not some silly little silk dress. I can;t have you looking like that for the wedding," Alastor said. "Now shoo,"

Sage quickly left the room, leaving Mael behind. She wasn't thinking about him. She wasn't thinking about muhc at all. All she was thinking about was Evren, and how much she wanted to be in her embrace again. How much she wanted to kiss her. How much she wanted to distract herself from her father and from the wedding. "Evren!" Sage yelled. Evren heard her and went running to go find her. "Hey!" Evren shouted as she spotted Sage in the hallway. "Come in here," Sage said, pointing to her bedroom. Evren followed Sage silently. They went into the closet, which seems like a recurring thing now. "My bastard father is making me marry today. He couldn't even wait one week!" Sage said, exhaling with relief of getting it off her chest. "Really?" Evren asked. "Yes.." Sage replied. They both paused to collect their thoughts. "Are you alright? How are you feeling?" Evren asked. " I'm as fine as I'll ever be I guess..." Sage said. "I do want you to help me get ready though," she said. "Ok!" Evren said. Evren then got up quickly and sat next to Sage. They both pulled each other in for a lengthy kiss.

"There it is," Sage thought. The feeling of warmth and passion she always felt when she was near Evren. Sage pulled away and said "I do need to pick out a dress. Do you want to help me?" Evren quickly got up. "Of course!" she said. After a couple minutes of searching through white gowns, Sage got an idea. "What if... I don't wear white?" she said. "Well what other color would you wear?" Evren asked. "I was thinking green!" Sage replied. "Well that would sure spice it up!" Evren said. She then went over to find a green dress. After a while of looking through the dresses and trying them on, they found the perfect dress. It was elegant, had long bell sleeves, and had the most beautiful corset and skirt attached. And to top it all off, it was a gorgeous Sage green color. "It's perfect!" Sage exclaimed. She put it on and after some soft kisses, they got to work on doing Sage's hair. Soon enough it was time for the wedding, and neither girls were excited about it. Sage didn't want to marry Mael, and Evren didn't want Sage to marry anyone else. There was nothing they could do about it though, because Alastor had made up his mind.

A/N: the wedding was boring so I'll skip through that and say that it is after the wedding, and Sage and Evren are chilling in Sage's room. Hope ya'll don't mind that :)

     "So... how are you feeling?" Evren asked Sage softly. "I'm not sure..." Sage replied. "I don't feel married and I don't want to feel married but-" she stopped for a second to collect her thoughts. "I don't want Mael. Sure, he's nice and all but... I don't want him like that. I just want to be my own person," She continued. "Yeah, I get that," Evren said. "I can't imagine what it must feel like. To be married, I mean," she said shortly after. "I don't know, it doesn't really feel a certain way. I honestly feel a little trapped if I'm being honest," Sage replied. "I'm sorry..." Evren said empathetically. She then gets up and wraps Sage in the familiar hug she always does, and Sage sinks into it. Into the warmth. 

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