Chapter 6: The Thief

Start from the beginning

"What? Spiders were never that big from where I'm from!"

"Maybe so Aaron, but I have to admit, your response was quite... amusing." Sein responded.

Never has Aaron felt so humiliated... This is why he hates spiders...

Unknown to them, a certain black figure from earlier, chuckled at the commotion. It then hurries off, it has some preparations to make...

After an hour of traveling, they come across a sign with strange writings on it. One path points to' Thornfelt Swamp' which is where they need to go. Aaron was surprised that he can read it considering that he has never seen this writing before, but he then reminds himself that it is because of Sein's gift that he can understand their language and writing.

"Alright! We should be close to that Ginso tree!" Aaron exclaimed.

"Indeed, it shouldn't be long now." Sein responded.

Further on, they come across some traps where a wooden pole is covered in wooden spikes swinging from the ceiling in a tunnel. The traps weren't difficult to avoid since it was rather slow. After a few dashes and slides, they all passed the traps and exited the tunnel.

"Who made those traps? And who activated them?" Aaron asked.

"I am not sure, but whoever is responsible may be nearby." Sein said.

Through the tunnel, they then see the Ginso tree just up ahead.

"Ori! Aaron! We are here! Soon, we will be able to restore Nibel's waters!"

"Finally! At least I can finally refill this canteen, almost have no water left."

"Hey Sein, what's that weird person over there?" Ori asked.

Aaron and Sein looked ahead to see a four-legged monster pulling a blue stone out of the door of the Ginso tree. The creature noticed their arrival and ran off with it!

"HEY! COME BACK HERE!!" Aaron ran after it, but it was too late. It got away.

"That's the Gumon from the Forlorn Ruins! He stole the water vein! We must get it back!" Sein exclaimed.

They chased after the thief, as they all see him jump from branch to branch with the water vein in its grasp. He then jumped into the entrance of the ruin as he quickly pulls a level shutting the door behind him, shutting everyone out. Aaron pounds at the door with his fist, angry at how time is being wasted because of that 4-legged spider. Luckily, the door seems damaged and could be broken down if hit hard enough.

"Sein, think you can blow up this door?" Aaron asked.

"With pleasure" Sein replied.

Aaron and Ori stepped back to allow Sein to do the honour and charged up and destroyed the door. They all then ran in into the grotto, as they see the gumo jumps in shock as he jumps down a ledge, jumping up before a LASER BEAM shoots out and then disappears. The gumo then jumps down and jumps safely and then runs off.

"I...don't even..." Aaron stutters, turning to Sein.

"Why is there, F***ING death beams just shooting out down there! This makes no sense!" Aaron yells.

Sein is slightly taken back from your response but calmly said "I am unsure as to why these beams occur, but they might be caused by the decay due to the forest going blind."

Aaron does NOT want Ori to go near those things! These things are absolute death traps! They are way more dangerous than those slow-swinging axes from earlier! Ori is shivering by the sight of these things!

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