chapter 30 : your smile

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Pete - stop giggling khab... I already enough embarassed to ask you to pick me up.... Don't me make shy even more..

Ae - muah.... You can ask anything Pete... What is there you to embarass huh??... I am your husband to be... Muah..

Pete - ae ~~~ didn't you get enough  just now.... I am hungry khab .... Feed your husband to be... Okay...

Ae - as your wish, my darling... Just a minute... I will bring you food..

I served him food. He was stuffing all the food in hurry. May be he is too hungry..

Ae - food is not going anywhere Pete.... Eat slowly.. You may choke..

Pete - I am hungry khab....

Ae - eat neatly.... You are 20, engaged...dont act like a child.. See.. Food is all around your mouth...

I wiped his mouth with my thumb.

Pete - why.... I will eat like this khab.... My husband will wipe it...

Ae - you are spoiled Pete... Where did you learn all these.. Who taught you all these..

Pete - my husband khab....

Ae - I will show you... Who is your husband tonight.... Just eat quickly...

Pete - ae ~~~~ I am tired already..

Ae - then eat.... Don't provoke me babe...

Pete looked at me and  he was upto something I guess. Pete was licking his spoon and looking at me.

Ae - Pete....whats in your mind...why are licking your spoon like that...

Pete - I want to eat ice cream tomorrow..

Ae - no icecream.... Last time you were coughing for two days... Also, your detective tricks won't work on me.... I don't know who is teaching you all these.... If I get that person I will kick that person.....

Pete - but last time i ate was six months ago... I want to eat ice cream khab ae... Please naa ~~~

Ae - pete!!!....

Pete pouted and didn't talked again. I know he loves icecream. But he doesn't care about his health. He finished eating. He stood up and moved his legs to walk. He was about to fall, I caught him.

Ae - Pete!!!...... Why don't you wait for me...let me carry you...

He removed my arms quickly and sat on table.

Ae - what??... You are sulking with me for an Icecream Pete...

He looked down with a pout. Oh god.... I can't see my angel pouting. I finished my dinner. I picked him up and we went to bed. He covered himself with blanket totally.

Ae - Pete

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Ae - Pete... Pete.... You can't breathe like this... Pete...

He turned away from me. I hugged him and kissed on his cheek. He wiped his cheek.

I L U Only Ae!!! ❤ ( Completed ) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ