Chapter Twelve

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Tiny timeskip also may add Kim Possible/Totally Spies/ RWBY if you want them in here.

It has been two days since the eventful meeting between the Loud parents and Albert, and so much has happened. For one, Rita and Lynn Sr. were separated and given separate lawyers. Secondly, Rita's lawyers managed to get a deal with the prosecutor for a sentence of 5 years plus probation. Unsurprisingly, Lynn Sr. decided to fight the charges and gain his freedom despite his lawyer telling him not to. 

However, we'll get to the Lynn Senior's delusional fighting change at another time. Now we go back to the Loud House where the girls are getting ready for school. It was a taxing time for them since they (except for Lynn Junior) were expecting harsh and cruel reactions when they show their faces. Speaking of which, Lynn Jr. hasn't spoken a word since that scolding which worried all of her sisters. It wasn't like her to just give up and accept their words like that so they expected her to do something that will get her in a lot of trouble.

"I can't do this Lori." Leni said.

"To be honest, I don't think I can do this either. However we have to since Mom and Dad are facing legal trouble." Lori said.

"Correction, Dad is facing legal trouble. Mom managed to get a deal remember." Lisa said.

"Still can't believe that Dad thinks that he can fight this." Luna said. (They don't know about the meeting between their Pop Pop and their parents)

"We can talk more about this later...we need to go to school." Lori said as her sisters rushed to the van. Meanwhile, Lincoln was in the dining room with Tori and the rest of the family. Unlike his sisters, he was being homeschooled by Tori and was learning more than he ever did at his old school. Plus he managed to do it without the fear of being bullied or being made fun of for something that usually surrounded his sisters. 

"Ugh. Another day for going to school." Jasmine said. If you're wondering, the girls managed to make an agreement that they would share Lincoln when he gets older along with other teenage superheroes if they notice them ogling their adopted brother.

"It'll be okay Jasmine." Dixie said.

"It will never be okay especially since our new brother is being homeschooled." Jasmine said.

"Jasmine, Lincoln is being homeschooled because we feel that school wouldn't be good for him especially since the other kids will just make fun of him for being adopted by us." Tori said knowing that the other members of high society will jump at the chance to mock Lincoln while his back was turned.

"Good point. By the way...How are things back at Royal Woods?" Dixie asked.

"Rita Loud managed to strike a deal with our lawyers for 5 years in prison with probation. It doesn't really surprise me seeing that her husband was using her and manipulated her." Tori said.

"That still doesn't excuse her actions, but at least she's more sensible to her chances in court." Lincoln added.

"Exactly. Her husband on the other hand, he managed to dig himself into a bigger hole." Bruce said.

"How so?" Tammy asked.

"He wanted to bribe officials in the court room and admitted to using his wife to make talented daughters so he could get rich." Tori said.

"I always knew that Lynn Sr. seemed to favor the others while punishing me for everything. Plus he always sneered at me when he thought that I wasn't looking." Lincoln said.

"It amazes me that you managed to pick up on it." Dani said.

"I'm way smarter than I made myself to be in that house. Besides the school wasn't the best place to show off seeing that everyone except for Ronnie Anne, Stella and Girl Jordon had it out for me." Lincoln said. 

"What about your friend Clyde?" Tori asked.

"He was my best friend until this incident happened than he abandoned me just so my ex older sister would be his girlfriend." Lincoln said. It hurt knowing that Clyde threw away their friendship for a relationship that would never happened. He hoped that he was happy knowing that he betrayed his friend for nothing.

Eventually the girls left for school while Tori began their lessons. While a certain spider was coming over to help her out. At the same time, the Loud girls arrived at their respective schools in record time..and were being glared at by everyone. 

"I don't like this." Luan said.

"We'll get through this. Remember we still have each other in the end." Lori said. As she said this, her sisters looked down at their laps and tried to calm their racing heartbeats. Everything will be fine....


Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋

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