"Of course, my bad. Jumping to conclusions, i should not start doubting you two now." Amanda looks up at the sky, the trees losing its leaves.

"Something is happening... Something serious. Hurry Connor, [Y/N]. Time is running out." The enviroment turns black, opening your eyes, you stare at the ceiling.

Sitting up in the bed, Connor lays there his eyes closed tightly. Getting out of the bed, you grabb your jacket slipping it on. Connor still laying in bed, his eyes opened muttering to himself. You grab his folded jacket walking around the bed, leaning over to look at him.

"Come on Connor, we need to get ready" Connor looks at you, nodding slightly.

Connor rolls out of bed, standing a bit close to you. Looking down he gently uses his hand to touch your face, tilting his head. His eyes seem to be roaming everywhere, as if he was looking for something. Your thirium pump beating faster, and your purifier feels as if it wasn't working properly, making you need to breath heavier.

"Um, here." You gently push his jacket to his chest, looking away you walk away from him.

Connor slips the jacket on, making his way towards you. Leaning down to rest his head on your shoulder, acting extremely touchy.

"We have a case at the Stratford tower." Connor mumbles.

"The news station?" Connor nods at your question. His arms hestitaely wrap around you, pulling you close to his chest.

"Lets get going then, wouldn't want to keep Lieutenant waiting." Connor nods once again, pulling away.

The both of you leave the tower, heading towards the department. Lieutenant Anderson was already there getting his things ready, he looked at the two of you for a moment. Nodding at Connor, giving him a pat on the shoulder as a form of apologize of what had happened last night. The three of you head out to the lieutenant's car, driving to the tower.

Once at the tower, you all head to the elevator, cops surrounding the area. Lieutenant hits the floor he was given, having to wait for awhile to get to the top. Connor pulls out his coin, and began to flick it letting it spin on his finger. He then proceeds to pass it to you, which you flicked doing some coin tricks. Passing it back to Connor, who tosses it to his other hand. Flicking it again, Lieutenant Anderson takes it from him angerily.

"You're starting to piss me off with that coin, you two." Stuffing the coin in his pocket, Connor looks ahead his LED flickering to yellow and then blue.

"Sorry lieutenant..."

The elevator opens up, informing you of the floor you are on. The yellow and black hallway, with a few police officers questioning the people, some even questioning the security guards who were subdue by deviant androids.

"Hey, Hank." Chris says looking at the holographic file.

"Shit, what's going on here? There was a party and nobody told me about it?" Chris chuckles, looking over at the lieutenant.

"Yeah, it's all over the news, so everybody's butting their nose in... Even the FBI wants a piece of the action..." Chris explained, Connor walks into the room with you. You watch people writing down what the security guards were saying, Connor places a hand on your lower back pushing you forward towards the Lieutenant.

"Ah Chirst, now we got the Feds on our back... I knew this was gonna be a shitty day... So what do we got?" Chris and Lieutenant Anderson walks being debrief.

"A group of four androids. They knew the building, and they were very well organized. I'm still trying to figure out how they got this far without being noticed."

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