"I'm sorry lieutenant, but we need you." You told the lieutenant, giving a Connor a glance. Connor nods, both you lift the lieutenant up off of the floor.

"Thank you in advance for your cooperation." Connor told lieutenant Anderson, who stares at Connor like he just insulted his cat.

"Hey! Get the fuck outta here!"

Giving lieutenant Anderson one more lift, so that he wasn't just dangling everywhere. You proceed with Connor to take lieutenant Anderson to the bathroom, stepping out of the kitchen with the lieutenant struggling to walk properly he yelled out for his dog.

"Sumo! Attack!" Earning a bark from the dog.

"Good dog~."

Turning the corner, Lieutenant Anderson yells attack once more. It was quite entertaining to see the cop like this, even if it is bad for his health, it was funny none the less. Connor pushes the lieutenant up against the wall so that Connor's side of the lieutenant was held up, so you personally wouldn't struggle.

Connor opens the bathroom door, coming back to pick the lieutenant up. The weight that was kinda hard to hold up, this human was very, very heavy.

"Ah! Leave me along, you asshole! I'm not going anywhere!" The lieutenant then grabs a hold of the wall, gently you grabs his arm letting his grip loosen up so you can continue to get him inside the bathroom.

"Sorry lieutenant, this is for your own good." You said gently, as Connor and you get him to the tub. The bathroom looking completely filthy, the lieutenant looks up at both pf you. Very confused.

"What the hell are you doing?" Putting him on the side of the tub, he stares around before sighing.

"I don't want a bathe, thank you..." The lieutenant gets up once more to leave.

"I'm sorry lieutenant." Connor says before pushing him back down, the drunk human falling all the way into the tub.

"Like [Y/N] said, this is for your own good."

Reaching over, Connor turn on the water, using the cold tap. Letting it pour on the lieutenant, which makes him scream.


Connor stands there for a moment, letting the cold water wake the man up from his drunken daze. You walk around Connor just to turn it off, the lieutenant sits there for a moment. Processing whats going on. He finally realizes who is in his house, lieutenant Anderson looks between the both of you.

"what the fuck are you guy's doing here?"

"A homicide was reported 43 minutes ago. We checked the department, then we checked Jimmy's bar and a few others. So we came to see if you were home." Connor informed the lieutenant, who is shaking in the tub. Drenched.

"Jesus, I must be the only cop in the world that gets assaulted in his own home by his fuckin' own androids..." The lieutenant gets out of the tub to sit on the side, panting softly. The water dripping on the floor from his hair and beard, Connor just stares down. He seems very amused by what had just happened.

"Can't you just leave me alone?" You shake your head no, making the lieutenant groan.

"Unfortunately, we cannot. We've been programmed to investigate this case and I can't do it without you." Connor stated, the lieutenant glares at Connor.

"I don't give a shit about your goddamn case!" He yelled.

"Lieutenant, you're not yourself. You should-" You say gently, trying to calm the cop down, which backfires.

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