"It's nothing, Hub just did something weird. I think my optical unit has a glitch. I'll get it fixed." Connor nods, continuing to walk up towards the door. The lights still on.

"Lieutenant Anderson." Connor knocked, waiting for a response.

Pausing, he rings the doorbell once.

"Anybody home?" Connor shouted over the rain.

No response.

Standing now beside Connor, you press your finger in the door bell, leaving it there. The door bell rings, loudly and long.

"Stop." Connor grabs your hand and pulls you away from the doorbell.

"Let's check the windows." Nodding at Connor, both of you walk around the house checking for any of the windows to be opened. The very back window, a window which you needed to step on something to see through was the only one that was opened.

"Lift me up Connor, I can see through it." Connor stands there unsure if he should or not, he seemed, embarrassed?

It didn't take long before he nodded, getting down with his hands cupped for you to get on. Stepping on them, Connor lifts you up. Grabbing to the side of the window looking through, you see Lieutenant Anderson on the ground, a gun not so far away.

"Oh no, Connor we have to get in!" Leaning closer to the window you began to pound on it, making Connor lose his grip on you. Having you almost fall on top of him, Connor manages to catch you.

"I'll get it opened." Connor places you down, before moving a few things so he could get on to look through. Getting his balance he uses his elbow to break through the glass. Moving forward to look at lieutenant Anderson, Connor seems a bit panicked.

Jumping through the window, Connor gets into the house. You soon follow after him, then you hear Connor using his commanding voice.

"Easy... Sumo." Then his voice is worried, and slightly scared.

"I'm you friend see?" Peaking inside you see Connor on the ground, a St. Bernard is close to his face.

"I know you name..." Connor's voice changes, sounding almost like he was trying to reassure himself that everything will be okay between him and the dog.

"We're here to save your owner..." The dog walks closer, giving him a semi-bark before walking away in the corner of the room to eat some food.

Connor gets up, lending a hand for you to get in. Once in, you both walk around the table quickly to the human on the floor. Connor crotches beside the man, scanning him to make sure he was breathing. Which he was, thank god.

Looking at the gun, you notice that it only had one bullet left. He was playing Russian Roulette.

"Lieutenant..." Connor spoke softly, as if that was going to wake him up. Lifting his hand, he gives the lieutenant a nice pat on his cheek.

"Wake up, Lieutenant." Connor says, sounding almost happy that the man on the floor was waking up. Then, Connor slaps him hard across the face.

"It me, Connor. [Y/N] too." Connor glances up, using his head to ask for assistance.

Grabbing one arm of the drunk lieutenant, Connor grabs the other helping the poor guy off of the floor, so that he was sitting up.

"I'm going to sober you up for your own safety." Connor explains to the drunk man.

"HEY!... Leave me alone, you fuckin' android." Lieutenant Anderson slurs.

"Get the fuck outta my house." The lieutenant glances between the both of you.

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