Chapter 10: Bliss

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Finally, the last day of the conference. It was fun and exhausting at the same time but the guests enjoyed it. The conference finished early today, and the guests have their free time to do whatever they want. Leisure and rest.

Y/N just finished freshening up and now just watching a movie in her room. She decided to stay in her room and just have some rest. She heard a knock on the door. She thought about it, if there was an event tonight or any room service she requested, but there was none. She lazily got up and checked the peephole immediately when she saw the person. There was a happy feeling in her heart.

"Yuxin." Y/N said when she opened the door.

"Hi!" The latter greeted her and smiled.

"Come in." Y/N smiled back warmly. Honestly she is happy to see Yuxin.

"I hope I'm not a bother." Yuxin saw the papers on Y/N's table.

"Of course not. That can wait." She said, referring to what Yuxin is looking at. Those paperworks had been sitting there since last night and part of it was finished by her already. She let Yuxin sit on the couch, and now they were sitting beside each other.

"What brings you here by the way? Is there something I can help you with?" She asked Yuxin.

"Ahh. I'm just here to say goodbye." Yuxin said that made Y/N confused and frowned her eyebrows.

"We still have one more day." Y/N told her.

"For you, but we already have schedule tomorrow." Yuxin answered. Y/N was a bit sad because she thought she could still see her tomorrow. She just nodded at her and smiled.

There was an awkward silence when Yuxin broke it by standing up.

"Well, I think I have to go." Yuxin told her.

"Now? I mean tonight?" Y/N looked up.

"Yes." Yuxin answered and Y/N stood up.

"Ohhh." She expressed her sadness as evidence and Yuxin noticed it.

"Take care Y/N. I'll see you around."

"You too, Yuxin." She replied.

If you'll ask Y/N right now, she would say that she enjoyed Yuxin's company. She walked Yuxin to the door when Yuxin stopped. They look into each other's eyes..

Another moment of silence, like the world has stopped, and they can only hear their heartbeats. Yuxin slowly leaned forward and looked straight into Y/N's eyes. She's waiting for her reaction until their lips are only inches away.

"Xihuan ni, Y/N." Yuxin said softly. Y/N doesn't know what to react but what she knows is she likes the feeling. She then closed her eyes and felt Yuxin's lips onto her. It was soft and gentle. It was sweet and warm. It was short but sincere. Yuxin pulled away and looked at Y/N's eyes.

"When I first saw you in your boutique, I thought it's just an admiration. Then I saw you again at the photo shoot. I started to ask myself if it's just really a crush but when I got to talk to you more, at the animal shelter that confirmed my feelings towards you." Yuxin said sincerely.

"Yuxin," Y/N just simply uttered her name.

"I went back several times to the shelter hoping to see you again but maybe it's not meant to be. When I saw you here, I knew I still have the same feelings towards you even after several months." Yuxin continued.

"Yuxin,, I.." She was shocked with her confession, and it's like the world shuts down.

"You don't have to answer now. I just want to let you know that I like you. I'm happy to finally say it."

Y/N asked herself why she is happy. Is it because Yuxin likes her? Or is it because Yuxin reminds her of Xin? She doesn't want to be unfair to Yuxin. She doesn't deserve that.

"Do you still remember when I told you before that there was a person that looks like you?" Y/N started to clear her mind and decided to tell her. Yuxin just nodded.

"She just left recently, she got accepted for a scholarship abroad it's for good.. I...still like her, Yuxin. You reminded me of her so much and I don't want to be unfair to you." Y/N explained herself. It's no use of keeping it from Yuxin. Y/N can tell that Yuxin sincere. Yuxin cupped Y/N's face.

"Thank you. Thank you for being honest to me. If you still like her then be it. I don't have any plans to stop you nor force you to like me. But when the time comes that you're ready again I hope you don't forget my feelings for you. Perhaps one day, we will meet again."

"Thank you. I am happy to have known you and to be liked by you." Y/N told her. Honestly, despite the fact that she hasn't seen her for the past months when she saw her again it was just like yesterday. She just can't accept her right now because she still hasn't moved on from Xin. But someday if their feelings are still mutual and if they meet again, maybe, just maybe they will have a chance.

Y/N tip-toed and kissed Yuxin. The latter was quite surprised but kissed her back they shared a passionate kiss, a sad one but an honest kiss. Yuxin broke the kiss when she felt both of them were gasping for air. She then gave Y/N a kiss on the forehead then hugged her tight.

"Take good care of yourself." Yuxin told her. The latter said the same words.

"Goodbye, Y/N."

"Goodbye, Yuxin."


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