Chapter 8: Departure

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A couple of months passed, Adam, Xin and Y/N became closer to each other. Their friendship becomes stronger than before. Until one day, Xin told them that she has to leave the country for good. She received a scholarship, and that's something she's been praying for. She's saving up, having multiple jobs to make sure that when the time comes, she'll be ready and prepared.

"You're leaving already, Xin. Now that we're getting closer."

"Dui bu qi. I'll miss you Y/N and you as well, Simpson." Xin told them. They are currently at the airport.

"You take care of yourself there, Xin. If you are not busy you can video chat with us. Okay?" Adam said to her. Xin nodded and smiled.

They are sad to send Xin off though she prepared them months ago that she was granted a scholarship in London. It is still a different feeling when it's the actual day to see her leave.

"Don't skip meals, gain weight there okay?..Until we meet again Xin." Y/N said as she hugged Xin and tears began to flow in her eyes. Xin hugged back and when she pulled away she wiped Y/N tears.

"Aiya, you guys are making it hard for me to leave. I know we talked about this last night, but I want to say thank you again for treating me as your friend though I don't have anything to offer." Xin told them while still in Y/N arms.

"You have a beautiful heart Xin, that is more than enough. We don't need anything else." Chengcheng told her and Y/N nodded in agreement.

They heard that Xin has to really go. They bid their final goodbye to her, and they saw Xin walking to the gates until her figure disappeared from their sight.


Week passed.

Xin left. I don't know why I am so affected by it. Maybe fate is too cruel. I like Xin, more than a friend, but we don't have a chance anymore. She made me happy everyday just by visiting the shop and talking to her is something to look-forward. But now that she left it's like something's missing.


"Come in." I was in the office on a regular working day.

"Ms. Y/N. There's a package for you."

"From what company?"

"Ahhhm, it's from someone. It's flowers actually."

"Flowers?" I asked her and my assistant nodded. I went to the lobby and saw the bouquet of flowers. There was a note.

'Have a great day!'


X? Why would Xin send flowers? I'm just delusional.


There will be a 3-day conference between brands and artists. In the event, I was invited and The9 too, only Yuxin and Keran and a lot more. The event will have some parts where discussion about brand index, trust and value and how artists help the brand and vice versa. I haven't moved on with Xin, but now I'll see Liu Yuxin. That will remind me of her. It's been a while since I've seen her since we met at the animal shelter.

I arrived at the hotel where the guests will be staying. It was a decent room. Nice and cozy. I fixed my luggage and my things. It's just 2pm and there will be a dinner party at 7 PM to welcome the guests. After I finished fixing my clothes and other stuff I started checking my email if there are any important matters about the boutique, everything's fine. I check my weibo if there're any messages from her but nothing. I guess she's busy and might as well just focus on this conference too. I was about to close my weibo when I received a message.

'How are you? Liu Yuxin here. Have a great day!'

I was skeptical to reply to her message thinking it might not be her and just the person managing the account. I just ignored it. Time passed and it's already 5 PM. I prepared myself, my dress and put some make-up on. Around 6:30 pm I went to the venue and met the brands and other artists. I'm glad some of them are my friends in the industry. Some artists also endorse my brand and seeing them in this rare event is something I am thankful for. I think I am happy with how the conference is organized since I am looking forward to it. Or.. am I just trying to be busy? I don't know. I guess I was in deep thoughts when someone called my name. I looked at my back and saw my friend from another brand. She walked towards me and greeted me.

"It's good to see you again, Y/N."

"Same here. Where are you at? I'll go there later."

"It's over there." She pointed and there she was standing talking to someone. My friend tapped me gently. "Y/N are you really okay, you seemed to be spacing out." Am I?

"I'm sorry, I just haven't gotten enough sleep." Partly true, but I lied.

"It's completely fine. Just enjoy the night and you'll get a lot of sleep later." She said and I nodded. She left, and I returned to my table with the other brand representatives too. Now, since I told her to go there I'll have to deal with Liu Yuxin. There's no way I can avoid this.


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