Chapter 4: Rain

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It's raining hard tonight. Adam and I just finished our late dinner together. We wished Xin could go with us but she said she had a job. I just wonder if she'd eaten already. Anyway this traffic is driving me crazy. I just want to go home and rest. I saw someone on the sidewalk carrying something, is that Xin? I decided to pull over on the sides of the road. I got my umbrella, went out of the car and walked towards her direction.

"What are you doing here? You'll get sick in your state." She was kind of surprised to see me.

"Y/N," She called out. I smiled at her. "Achoooo.." She's going to get sick if she stays here longer.

"Bless you! Get in the car. I'll drive you home." I told her.

"Huh? Iii-it's okay. I don't want to bother you. I'll take a cab. I may be out of the way too." She declines.

"I don't mind, Xin. You're not a bother." I said.


"Come on." She's still hesitant, but eventually agrees.

We walked to my car. I helped her put the piano in the backseat and helped her get in the car. Fortunately, I have my gym bag at the back of the passenger's seat. I guess it's too far for me to reach. I didn't notice Xin's face and I were only inches away from each other. As if on cue we looked away and finally I was able to get the bag. That was too close.

"Here. Dry yourself off." I handed her the towel.

"Thank you!" She responded.

"No problem! Anyway, what are you doing there?" I asked her.

"Ahhh, I just finished my second job. I'm actually waiting for the bus but it seems that I was too late for the last trip, so, I'm just waiting for a cab but still none." I remembered she told us about it.

"I'm happy I saw you. Who knows until when you can get a cab in this kind of weather. By the way, put your address here." I let her enter it, so I knew the direction. Surely, it's out of the way, but I don't mind at all as long as I can bring her home safely. She thanked me again. I nodded and smiled at her. We chatted for a bit then I noticed she's quiet. I looked at her and saw her dozing off. I saw her eyes earlier at a close distance, and I know that she is exhausted. Seeing her sleeping right now, it must have been a long day for her.

We arrived at the address. I gently patted her arm, and she woke up.

"I'm sorry. I dozed off."

"That's okay."

"Ahhhm, would you like to get inside? I'll make a cup of coffee and snacks for you, as a payment." She shyly said scratching her nape.

"Sure! I'll take it." I nodded and smiled at her. Fortunately the rain stopped.

We went inside her apartment. It's a studio-type apartment. It's clean and cozy. She has her bed, her piano, and enough space for her to prepare her food and eat.

"She gave me coffee and a matcha cake. Actually, I'm craving dessert earlier but I didn't like the options at the restaurant.

"Thank you!"

"It's nothing, compared to you driving me home."

"Don't mention it. I'm happy to do it for you." I said and she smiled. I don't want the mood to be awkward, so I told her that her apartment is nice, and she opened-up a bit. She told me that she lived alone, and she doesn't have parents anymore.

"Xin, how many jobs do you have?" I asked. We are sitting at her dining table facing each other.

"Depends, but I see to it that I'll have at least 2. One, the regular job I have at the coffee shop, then some part-time jobs. But if I won't find a part-time job then I'll only have my regular job." She explained. That must have been tough for her.

"How about you? Is it tiring to manage your boutique?" She asked.

"It is, but definitely fulfilling. I'm happy of what I'm doing, and I get to do what I love." I saw her listening attentively though her eyes were so damn tired. I saw her nodding and honestly I wanted to stay for a while to talk to her until dawn, but I have my appointment tomorrow. I know Xin is also tired. I have to cut our conversation short.

"Xin, I have to go. You must be tired too. But I appreciate the coffee and cake so much." I told her.

"Thank you again, Y/N. I really appreciate you driving me home. Please drive safely." She told me. She walked me to the car and she waved goodbye. Xin must be working so hard. Having multiple jobs is no joke at all. I hope she can take care of herself too.


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