5 Figures

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She sat in the corner of the room. She wouldn't talk and wouldn't communicate. Her tears fell, and her whole body was as straight as a rod.

The door opened, yet she didn't see it as her head was on her knees Nivina was not paying attention. She was talking, and for a while, everything seemed to be quite scribbling on papers, and then she felt the ground shift.

A hand grasps her chin. "Now, why are we crying?" He asks. She was silent. Her tears slowly stop. "No daughter of mine is going to be seen like this."He says, picking her up.

She weighed not much. She soon felt like she was being sucked through a tube. Her eyes were open, yet she didn't look at anything but her father's shoulder. She then sat on a bed.

"Severus will check you for injuries. I will stay right here." He says. She nods. She felt something that made her shiver. "She's fine. A small scratch, though it's already healed."

The man she assumed was Severus said. "Ok, I'm going to go into her mind and see what has happened to her mental state."Soon, she fell asleep.

She didn't remember ever being tired. Yes, she was, but not at that moment. She didn't feel like fighting anymore. She already did for a girl who was never her sister in the first place.
I woke up, my head throbbing. My eyes opened, though a bit lidded because of the pain. I was sitting up and looking around.

The room I was in was lovely. It was black. The walls and the bed. The night table was a dark ivory-green color, along with the other furnishings.

The trim was dark grey, and the flooring was dark oak. The doors in the room were also dark oak. I notice lots of candles, no lights.

There was a cozy nook with a bookshelf and a big dark red armchair. It seemed nice. I then shuffle to the edge of the bed, where I get off.
Looking around a bit more, she finds a small desk. It sat on the room's right-hand side, opposite the nook and bathroom door.

On the desk was a piece of paper. It read. 'For your headache.''It was weird how her father would know that she had a headache. She looked at the small vile and downed it.

The taste was earthy. It most likely wouldn't kill her. She felt the pain slowly turn into nothing. At that moment, she realized how cold she was.

She wrapped her hands around her freezing figure and walked around with no closet in sight. She decided to go to the door she assumed was the bathroom. Opening it, she found a large bathroom.

It was magnificent. A round bathtub sat in a little nook with a window covered by dark red curtains. A golden rope held them together.

A couple of candles were scattered about. Three were lit, making the room dim. Then there was a shower. It was glass, and a disk with holes sat on the ceiling. She guessed it was the showerhead.

One handle sat on the outside. She guessed to turn it on. Then, of course, was a sink and a toilet. Next to the shower was a vanity across from the sink, and the bathroom was next to the sink. On the other side of the shower was another door.

Across from the door is where the nook with the bathtub was. She opened it and found a closet. It was nice. Shoes, clothes, jewelry, and other accessories were in there.

Surprisingly, she found another note. 'Bathe and get dressed. Do what you will with the day. I will find you when I need you.'It was most likely from her father.

It was weird thinking that. Putting the note back down, she decided to take a bath. She had not had a proper one in a long time. The one at the inn was more of a just-to-be-decent.

This one was to smell and look good. From her room, she guessed her father was wealthy and lived lavishly. So she wandered looking for the soaps and shampoos.

She found it. It sat in a beautiful glass case. But potion-like bottles awaited her. She had only seen these in silly movies she watched when she was little. She read the labels and picked one.

It was a honey bubble bath. She followed the directions and started to fill the tub, dropping only two drops in. Then she went back to the cube and put it in.

She then found shampoo, conditioner, and soap. All were honey-scented. She sets them on the glass table next to the bathtub and; she finds a small towel to wash with.

She sets it next to her products and then finds a laundry basket. She finds a black one with a lid next to her closet door. She takes her clothes off and then gets in the bubbly waters.

She just sinks in and enjoys it. She soaked for an hour and washed for about thirty minutes. Then she got out. Wrapping herself in a towel, she goes to her closet.

It was nice to know she had such a lovely space now. It was a little overwhelming for her, but she ignored the feeling and dressed.

A dress with stockings, underwear, and a bra. She had never had one before. It took her a minute to figure it out, but she thought it was a little weird when she did. Then, her underwear.

The dress was easy. Popping on a ring and a necklace, she then finds shoes. Picking some cute heels, she takes them out with her. She then finds the vanity.

She read all the labels and applied the deodorant oil to her armpits as per the directions instructed. Then perfume.

The rest was puzzling, though. It had been forever since she had seen her moth- Petunia, do it. She tried to remember lipstick. She found some lipgloss and applied it.

Not knowing how to do the rest she left it alone.

She thought it looked nice. Getting up, she walked to the sink and brushed her hair and teeth. Looking at her long, grown-out hair, she cuts her bangs a bit with some scissors she found in a drawer and then puts a bit in a bun to keep it out of her face.

Walking to where she put her heels, she then picks them up and brings them out with her, shutting the bathroom door behind her. She then sets them next to the bedroom door.

Walking to the little nook, she discovered she had taken a random book and started to read.

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