05. mornings & pumpkin juice

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January 15th

Draco's eyes snapped open when he sensed a warm breath covering his face. His eyes focused on the peaceful girls face next to him and he tensed. After a moment, Draco remembers where he is and tightens his hold on Winnie. His eyes scan her face, thinking he may have never felt more at peace than right now. His fingers trace small patterns on the small of her back just under her t-shirt. Her leg is hooked over one of his, the soft pants feeling warm against Draco's skin. One of her hands was lightly resting against his chest.

Draco marveled at Winnies sleeping frame, wanting nothing more than to stay there forever. He didn't even want to wake her, he did know she was not a morning person whatsoever. He also knew that when she woke up she wasn't going to be in the most pleasant mood after the amount of drinks she had last night.

Last night.

  Draco sucked in a breath as he remembered everything they'd said last night. Oh no. He'd let her in too much, hadn't he? He was too vulnerable, he gave her false hope. What would his father think? Why'd he say those things to her?

'Because you meant them,' a voice concludes in Draco's head. He looked at Winnies face again. She cared for him, and he was going to let her. He remembered the promise he repeated to himself before falling asleep. He'd protect her, he really would.

Draco's conflicting thoughts were put to a halt as the dorm door swung open. Shit, how could he have forgotten about her roommate? Draco froze, trying to seem like he was still asleep. To his horror, a voice came from the other side of the room, where his back was turned to. That meant Poppy had already known he was there and now someone else did too.

"Sh! You're going to wake them!" Poppy whisper yelled towards the door. Draco closed his eyes, unconsciously pulling Winnie closer. He listened as the door slowly closed and someone took slow and careful steps across the room.

"They asleep when you got back last night?" The voice of Johnathan VanHawkin is heard, accompanied with some rustling.

"Yeah, kind of adorable if you ask me," Poppy says fondly. Draco smiles, at least one of her friends supported them.

A sigh comes from the other boy in the room. "You don't think they..." Johnathan trails off. Draco internally groans, he wasn't like that. Well he was, he was exactly like that. But not for Winnie, no, not his pure little Winnie.

"No, I doubt it, I'd be shocked if they did," Poppy whispers back.

Johnathan let's out what Draco assumes is a sigh of relief. "I didn't think they would. I mean you know how Winnie is, wants it to be special. I doubt that she would let it happen drunkenly or without a big romantic gesture," Johnathan laughs. Well, that confirmed Draco's theory on her being a virgin. He didn't really care, but with that information Draco knew if she ever wanted him to take her virginity, he'd make it as special as possible. It hadn't been long, but Draco already knew he'd do endless things for this girl.

"Don't be so loud! I don't know how heavy a sleeper Malfoy is," Poppy whispers and a noise is heard. Draco assumes she hit him with a pillow.

"Then let's just go down to breakfast, plus I'd hate for Clara to come looking in here to find us and sees them like that," Johnathan says, standing up from Poppy's bed. Winnie still hadn't stirred, Draco wished he could sleep that heavy.

"She'd probably hex him into space," Poppy laughs quietly, standing up as well.

Johnathan snorts, "He'll be lucky if she doesn't kill him." The two exit the room quietly and Draco feels himself relax once again. Draco moved his hand from her back, and began stroking up and down her side soothingly. He paused on her hip, near her stomach and ran his fingers over the few stretch marks that were there. He'd never been with anyone with stretch marks before, but he quickly found himself obsessed with them.

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