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I woke up, and the first thing I noticed was how dry my throat was, it hurt to swallow the slightest bit, all I could taste was the sweat.

Every movement I made, made the place I was in make a jangle sound, i figured I was in a cage, it was cold and damp, it had the reeking stench of sweat.

I had 1 small light producing just enough I could see I was surrounded by moist, crumbly dirt.

I felt around and touched cold metal doors, I could feel each individual bump fo where the screws were.

There were people talking outside about a new person. Was I that new person? They sounded young especially one of them.

I laid in my cage playing with the dangling chain I found for what felt like an eternity.

The metal doors were opening with loud clanks sounding like a lever being pulled back and forth.

The sun blinded me partially, it almost looked like I was in heaven, even tho it's not something I belive in much.

Everyone's beating eyes were on me it felt like they were staring me down. I could feel my heart beating in my stomach. I tried to run but it felt like thier eyes followed me.

I could hear whispering about me they tried to be quite. But I still heard.

" We have a girl! " a soft mellow voice of a young boy said.

" She is the first one in years! " another deep scratchy voice beckoned

" Wow, How are we going to deal with this? " A high but scratchy voice of a older Male said.

" Everyone just calm down it's just like if we got a male. No need to make a fuss about it! Now I'm going to go and find her stay put! " His voice was soft and wasent to deep or to high you might even say, it was perfect.

I was walking around then I bumped into this handsome guy.

He had fluffy blond/brown hair, he had to be at least 5'9 if not taller, he wasent extremely buff or extremely skinny but he had a great body. He had a rugged look to him, almost as if he would have been a heart breaker at your typical high school in the movies.
He looked to be about my age 21 maybe a little bit older.

" Jeez greenie you okay? " he asked softly with a concerned look on his face.

" Oh uh yeah I'm- I'm fine "
I was scared out of my mind my heart was pounding as if it was a race car engine.

" Okay good. Your the new girl right? " he was kind didnt raise his voice or be stern, he kept calm.

" Yeah, that uh that would be me "
I knew I sounded nervous but did I look nervous?

" Hey Greenie there is no need to be scared, I wont hurt you. "

" uh oh okay "

He put his hand out to shake mine. I slipped my fingers on his warm palm, his hands were soft.

" My name is Newt, and what would yours be Greenie? "

" Uhh my name is Y/N "

" Wow that's a beautiful name "
He said it almost stucductivly it was so soft and sweet.

" haha thanks, your name isent so bad either "
I could tell I was blushing I just hoped it wasent bright red.

He gave me a little playful nudge.

" I think it's time I introduce you to the others. Don't you think Y/N? "

" Uh yeah I guess so "
My heart started pounding again.
My throat was still dry I didn't want to ask for water and sound needy. But I was getting to the point of needing it.

I grabbed his warm hand to stop him before we reached them.

" Do you uh think before we go to them i could possibly get a water? "

" Of course Y/N just follow me and I'll get you one! "

We walked to this small little area that almost looked like one of those stands that are outside.

" An ice cold water for the new lady "

" Thank you so much! "

I guzzled it down like my life depended on it. My throat felt so much better but I still had that god awful taste of sweat.

" Thirsty i see! "
He said quietly but softly while laughing

" Ha yes I am! You almost dehydrated me in there! "

" Okay okay I guess so. Are you ready to go meet the others now Y/N? "

" Yes if I must be. "

" great let's go. "

He lead me back to where I was in the  awful cage.

" Boys meet Y/N! "

" Hi! I'm Chuck! "
He had to have been the soft mellow voice I heard.

He wasent in the best shape like Newt. He was more chubby and and curly reddish blondish hair. It looked very bouncy. He had tons of freckles all over his face. He couldn't have been any taller than 5'4 and no more than 14 years old.

" Hi Chuck I'm Y/N. "

" I'm Alby! "
He was the deep scratchy voice I heard. He shocked me. I was expecting something diffrent.

He was a 6'7 tall guy and had quite the amount of muscle. He was a diffrent ethnicity than most of us but his skin was beautiful. He was bald but that didnt matter neither did his skin. All that mattered was his personality. From what I could tell he was the leader he liked to be the leader.

" I'm Thomas "
He was the more high pitched but scratchy voice.

He had brown almost black hair. He was about the same build as Newt if not a little bit more buff. He also had that rugged look to him.

I could feel my heart beating fast again, and my stomach dropping I felt like running and I could tell I was getting pale.

" Well uh it's g-great to meet you a-all "
I struggled getting the words out I felt like curling into a ball, but i knew my sister would tell me to face my fears.

" Tommy. " Newt calmly said

" Yes? " his high pitch scratchy voice responded

" will you please take Alby and Chuck else where please. "

I knew he could see something was wrong but I didnt feel like talking about it.

" Of course. "

" Thank you! "

They all left except Newt he stood there looking at me.

Once a Glade kid, Always a Glade kid- A maze runner story- Newt FanficWhere stories live. Discover now