The Truth Behind Your Lies. - Chapter 14

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I sit up and walk up to her. "H-Hi, Akamatsu. Hey, u-um." I noticed she covered her face with her backpack for some reason but I sat down next to her, where Harukawa would usually sit. "I'm sorry for yesterday.. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.

She took the backpack away from her face but looked away. "I-It's okay, Saihara. I'm sorry for running away all suddenly too.. I-I'm sorry again, b-but, can you leave me alone for a second? I promise this isn't a permanent thing but I just want to be alone for a bit."

Ow. That hurt. So that's how it felt when I said I needed time alone. "A-Ah, okay then.. I'll go back to my seat. Tell me if you want to talk, okay?" I bit my lip to resist the urge of getting upset.

She nodded, still covering her face. I turned around and walked back. Momota was staring at me as if he got the memo that it didn't go well.

"Shuichi, I-"

"It's okay, Momota. I made a mistake yesterday and I'm paying for the price. It's mainly my fau-"

"Hey guys, what're you talking aboutt? Are you leaving me out of this?" Oma interrupted.

"Oh, nothing Oma." I tell him.

"Well, I can tell you're lying, but I don't really care! Mainly because I already know because I've been listening and watching! We're at the same table you know?" he said in a snarky tone.

"Yea, I heard too." Keebo added.

"God damn it, Kokichi. Totally ruined a potential bro moment there.." Momota complained.

"I don't really care about friendships, most don't last past high school!" Oma said. "But Saihara, I think she's lying to you." he smiles creepily.

"Lying about what..?"

"Who knowsssss? I'm not telling you any more, if you can't figure out what's going on by yourself, are you even the Ultimate Detective?" he snickers.

No way am I gonna take this from Oma, I'll figure it out. I begin thinking of letters coming across my brain.. I put them together to make a sentence..

Hangmans Gambit! V3

S__ _____ ___

S__ _____ M_

S_E _____ M_

SHE _____ M_

SHE _____ ME


"Hey, earth to Shuichi, you've been staring into space and just mumbling random noises, you good man?"

"A-Ah! Yea.. That's just a habit whenever I'm thinking hard."

"You really need to think this hard about it..?" he looks at me disappointedly.

I stare at Akamatsu, her friends are back, I guess Harukawa is done talking to her.

I hope we can talk again soon.. It's my fault that things are like this.. I'm sorry, Akamatsu.

The rest of lunch passes, and I head to my talent development room. It was boring, as usual. How was I supposed to develop a talent that needs to investigate in such a small area? Come to think about it.. How does Harukawa develop her talent? I shudder thinking about it.

Well, I know she doesn't kill unless forced to. Still, killing is a horrible thing. When I first solved that murder case, I was scared terribly of seeing that dead body for the first time. I put my feelings beside and began investigating, as it was my job. When I solved it quicker than the police, they all praised me but I didn't feel like that was a good thing. The culprit had a real reason to kill the victim. To avenge his family member. And his hateful eyes were burned into my memory. I thought I would've never forgot them, not being able to stare at another person's eyes again.

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