Failing {Dreamnoblade}🐱

Start bij het begin

"Dream!" Someone shouted as they placed their hand on Dream's shoulder. Before Dream turned towards them, Techno looked over and made direct eye contact with him. Dream turned and came face to face with Punz who was smiling. "I'm glad you could make it"

"Uh, Yeah!" Dream responded glancing over to where Techno stood only to find that the man had gone elsewhere.

"Dream! What the hell?" George yelled, causing Dream to jump and divert his attention to George who was approaching them. "You should be at home studying for your test tomorrow"

"I will George. I'm just here for some fun and I'll leave early to study" Dream responded. "Now if you excuse me, I'd like to get a drink."

Dream brushed past a confused Punz and an upset George. As he made his way to the kitchen, he encountered Zelk. He wasn't the closest to him but he knew him enough that they weren't strangers. He also knew that Zelk also threw amazing parties and when he came together with Punz, the parties were the best. Zelk just gave him a smile and continued past him. When he arrived in the kitchen, he ran into Purpled and Gamerboy80, or gb80 for short. They were chatting and both had bottles of coke simply because they didn't like alcohol. Purpled just gave him a nod and continued his conversation with gb80. Dream poured himself a drink and took some big gulps. He wanted to forget the stress of keeping his grades up. Just for one night. With each drink, he felt his mind go more hazy. Eventually, he felt someone take the cup away from him. Even in his drunken state, he could tell it was Purpled who was very concerned. Purpled was saying something but Dream was too drunk to make sense of it. Purpled eventually gave up as gb80 returned with George.

"How much did you drink?!" George exasperated

"He has had more than 5 cups" gb80 responded. "I watched him drink all of those without second thought"

"And you didn't think to stop him after his second cup" George said, glaring at gb80 and Purpled.

"The man looked like he needed it" gb80 replied with a shrug. At this point, George and gb80, along with Purpled, started bickering about Dream's intake of alcohol allowing him a chance to slip away. He aimlessly wandered through the building, ignoring all the advances made by other girls, before he ended up in the backyard. The sight of long pink hair caught Dream's attention as he walked towards it. As he got closer, Techno turned around and looked at Dream.

"How much did you drink?" Techno asked as Dream stopped in front of him.

"I didn't -hic- have that much" Dream sputtered. Techno just raised an eyebrow and turned back around. He had his feet dipped into the pool, swirling them around to create little waves. Dream sat down next to him and gazed at the clear pool water.

"Why are you -hic- even here?" Dream asked curiously.

"Apparently you're sober enough to continue to pester me" Techno said with an eye roll. "Wilbur and Philza dragged me here. Apparently I need social interaction of some sorts"

Dream suddenly started hysterically laughing as if what Techno said was the funniest thing he had ever heard. Many people cast glances their way and Techno was very concerned.

"You should have someone take you home Dream. You are very drunk and definitely can't drive in this state" Techno stated.

"Challenge Accepted. I can drive right now. I'll prove to you that-" Dream started before getting cut off by Techno who had violently grabbed his arm. Techno pulled Dream closer to him to the point Techno could smell the alcohol in Dream's breath. Dream's breath hitched and a red blush set across his face.

"It wasn't a challenge. I may hate your guts but I don't want your life in my hands" Techno growled. Techno pushed Dream back and stood up. He gave Dream one last glare before heading back inside. The only thought that plagued Dream's mind was how close Techno had gotten. Never did he think that he would get that close to Techno without one of them walking away with an injury. Dream laid down onto his back and stared up into the stars. He closed his eyes as the chatter of the party slowly drowned out. Before he knew it, someone was shaking him. He slowly blinked open his eyes and came face to face with a very concerned looking Badboyhalo, aka Bad.

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