After dad told us,  I spent the summer self medication my anger with alcohol, drugs, and partying. It ended with me totaling my car and spending a night in jail. The judge gave me community service and a few mandatory counseling sessions. I've stayed away from the hard stuff since, but still drink to take the edge off.

I was determined to hate her even though I know none of this is her fault. I've been openly rude and hateful to her, doing my best to avoid her. But Joy's not like other girls her age, and it naturally attracts people to her. She is kind, smart, pretty, and way to naive. You can't help but want to protect her, that brings me back to the bruises on my face.

I overheard Brad talking to a few of his friends about how hot she was and betting he could be the first to bed her. My adrenaline from the games mixed with a buzz from drinking made me more than happy to smash my fist in their faces. There was five of them, and they got a few punches in before Henry pulled me away.

Henry opens his door bringing me out of my thoughts and back to the present. I step out of the car and we both walk towards them.

Joy gives us a nervous smile, "Hey! This is my friend, Casey. Casey this is my brother, Paul" she elbows him in the side and than makes a small gesture to me "... and Kent". She looks at my face and her eyes grow large taking in my black eye and a busted lip.

"Kent.....oh my, what happened?" She says with concern in her voice.

I wave off her concern, "It's nothing".
Trying to change the subject, "Joy this is-."

"Henry, right?" She says, He must nod because she continues "Thanks again for your help".

She answers my unspoken question, "I got lost on my first day, was late to class, Henry was nice enough to walk me to class".

"It was no big deal" Henry answers.

She gives him a sweet smile and fidgets a little.
"It was to me", she says with such sincerity.

A honk sounds a few times turning all our attention down the drive. A ridiculously large pickup truck parks behind Casey's car, I recognize it, knowing exactly who is going to step out but not sure why he's here.

The door opens and Ben Stallings, our kicker gets out of the truck "Hey guys!" He says before he looks at Joy "You ready Red? I'm starving."

Casey turns to Joy giving her a quick hug "I better get going before my parents start calling, thanks again it was a lot of fun."

"Yeah it was, see you tomorrow" Joy responds. Casey opens her door and her phone starts ringing but she doesn't answer it until the door shut, muffling her conversation.

"Bye, see you later" Joy says with her back already to us as Ben grabs her in a hug.

I'm not really sure what's happening but I know I told Ben to back off already. He's a teammate and we hang sometimes but I wouldn't really say he's a friend I trust. I can feel my temper rising but before I lose it on the guy Henry speaks up.

"Where are y'all headed, I could eat?" Henry interrupts and takes a step closer to them.

Joy pulls out of the hug but Ben still has his arm around her waist. "Pancake Palace, she's never been" Ben says.

Henry walks towards them "Sounds delicious, I'm in" he rudely invites himself. Paul chimes in as well saying he is going. I look at joy thinking she might be upset that they ruined her plans but instead she looks happy. Turning to me she looks nervous "Yay! Kent did you want to come, more the merrier".

I nod, and am surprised when she looks genuinely happy.

Ben helps her into his truck before I can suggest she ride with us. Paul is either oblivious to the situation or doesn't care. Yelling shot gun as he runs past me and Henry to my car. Henry looks at me giving a devilish smile before walking towards Ben's truck.

"Ben this is a nice truck, mind if I ride with you?" Not waiting for an answer he opens the passenger door causing Joy to slide over to the middle, sandwiching her between the two men.

Frustrated with the situation I head back to my car, yanking the door open. We ride in silence until we reach Pancake Palace. Walking in we spot the others already seated at a table, Joy has a guy on either side, leaving only two seats across the table.

Joys looking at the menu while Ben declares "Since you refuse to make me more chocolate chip cookies today, I guess I'm getting chocolate chip pancakes". Ben is making a ridiculous pouty face as he pokes Joys cheek making her shake her head and smile. I wonder when exactly they had time to become so comfortable with each other. I'm so tempted to smack his stupid face or break his finger but I sit there glaring instead.

"What made him cookies and not us, not fair." Paul sounds wounded

"I didn't know you guys wouldn't be home, I made them last night. Casey and Ben stayed over; David ordered pizza for us and we stayed up late watching movies."

"You stayed the night, with her ?" I ask Ben my voice a little too loud. He fidgets a little, looking uncomfortable with either my tone or my face thats clearly saying I'm about to punch him.

Joy attempts to calm me, "It was no big deal, he stayed in the spare room. David was there and said it was fine. He left early to get a change of clothes for breakfast."

Seriously what was dad thinking, who lets there teenage daughter have a boy sleepover. "Your 15....Ben is 17, it's ridiculous."

"Kent I don't understand why your so upset, Ben and I are just friends." Ben reaches over giving Joys hand a squeeze.

I let out a rude laugh, "He's not your friend, don't be so naive."

Joy sits back suddenly in her seat like I smacked her. I can tell I've hurt her feeling and embarrassed her.

Suddenly Joy stands up, "Excuse me, I just need to go to the restroom." She gives us a smile but her voice wobbles making me feel like the jerk I know I am.

As soon as she is away from the table everyone turns to me "Kent, not cool. Try to be nice for like 2 seconds, geez". Paul's usual humor is gone and he shoots a look of disappointment at me.

Ben leans forward, "I don't know if you've even tried to get to know her but she is nice, fun, and easy going. I have eyes I know she is gorgeous but she is my friend and I would not hurt her." He runs his hand through his hair and I think he's done. He slams his hand on the table before continuing, "I would think you would be a little more understanding. You know what it's like to lose a parent, she lost her mom 3 months ago-". I look towards him, silently warning him not to bring this topic up. "At least you got to stay in your home, have the support of your family and friends. She has lost everything in 3 months".

We all sit in silence for a minute the waitress comes over, we order and Ben orders something for Joy. She's been gone for awhile and I know I was out of line when even Henry is angry with me "Kent you screwed up, go check on her and apologize".

"Fine" I get up and just as I turn the corner for the bathroom I bump into Joy, I grab her before she can hit the ground. She lets out a nervous laugh, placing her hand on her heart. "You surprised me" she say smiling at me, her face is free of any tears but the red splotches on her cheeks betray her.

"I guess I have two things to apologize for now" I say attempting to be funny but it falls flat. Taking a deep breath, "I'm sorry about earlier. I can be a pain most of the time but I wasn't trying to upset you. I just don't trust him."

"It's ok, I forgive you".

I'm surprised by her instant acceptance of my apology.  "How about we hit the restart for the day and pretend like it never happened" she suggest. "Plus if we're gone too long I don't think Ben will be able to resist eating our pancakes. That boy ate a inhumanly amount of food last night. I think he may have a tapeworm". 

A laugh escapes, caught of guard with her humor.  "Ok let's go eat some pancakes" I say as I guide her back to our table.

This right her is exactly why I worry though, she should have yelled at me, given me the silent treatment, made a big scene in front of everyone. Instead she's forgiving and kind being way to easy on me.

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