Darling, pfft.

Fuck off.

"Yeah well a heads up would've been nice." I scoff, my eyes wandering to the bookshelf in the corner.

I doubt Harry's the type of person to actually read Pride and Prejudice, The Great Gatsby and Little Women. All those classic novels are probably just to add to his whole 'I'm not a regular gang leader' theme. I've seen the movies and read the books, it's always the fucking gang leader who has a 'different' hobby.

"It was Daniel and his two friends. They showed up to see if I'd come running to protect your club and I did, so calm your tits. I did what I said I'd do when we made the deal." He says with a dramatic eye roll.

Can't calm my tits if I don't have any, Harry.

I hate that saying so much.

Now I just look stupid because he's right, I just wish he told me about it. I do also get annoyed way too easily, need to stop letting my anger drive me to do stupid things like show up at people's houses pissed off.

"Can you tell Niall not to deal at my club? It's not that type of place." I sigh.

Harry's not even listening, he's lying there on his phone like I'm not even here. I hate when people zone out when they're on their phones, it makes me more sad than angry but right now I'm just sick of it. It's not that he was just texting someone or scrolling through social media, he now has his phone pressed up against his ear, waiting for someone to answer.

I absolutely love when people listen and pay attention to me.

"Hello?" He answers, sarcastically grinning at me.

He's just trying to rub it in at this point, the fact I'm clearly boring him and he'd much rather speak to whoever is on the other end of the call. I don't even care, I came here to set things straight with him and that obviously isn't happening.

"Yeah hi mate, erm do me a favour and stop dealing at the club yeah?" Smirks Harry, looking more proud than ever.


"Yeah cheers, keep it for the day time. Cheers Niall, see you." He says, ending the phone call and tossing his phone onto the coffee table.

With that same smug grin of his, he rests an arm behind his head and flashes me a wink that has me rolling my eyes at him. He's genuinely proud of himself for making that phone call, for being a half decent person and it hurts.

I'm not thanking him...I'm too stubborn.

"That all? Or did you actually want to fuck me because if so you're gonna have to give me-"

"Please stop saying that. I don't want to sleep with you." I interrupt, pinching my eyes shut.

You know what, at this point it's not worth saying anything else. I'll be stuck in this lie with Harry until he gets whatever he wants from it and there's no one to blame but myself.

Nice one Harlow.

"You sure? Might help you calm the fuck down and stop being so annoyed all the time." He chuckles, "No strings attached Birdy, all you've got to do is say the magic word."

Why is everything about sex, always.

Men are all the fucking same. You get close to one, become friends and it turns out all they wanted was to get in your pants. Maybe that's what Harry wants from this deal, he just wants someone regular to sleep with someone who's always available for him.

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