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(Sophie is about five years old also they are speaking southern okay so there will be out of grammar uses)

It was night and Oralie found her daughter laying on a cozy beach chair outside.

Sophie was looking up at the stars.

"Looking up at the stars tonight," she asked Sophie.

"Yeah, Ma," she replied. Sophie was home schooled and Oralie taught her elvish but spoke in a southern accent to make sure the two of them fit in.

Oralie laid on a chair next to her.

"You know, the night you were born. See those stars right there," Oralie pointed to the constellation, "That is the constellation that represents us. Big Dipper and Little Dipper."

"You know who my dad is," she asked.

"I wish," Oralie said.

"Who knows if he even cares for me."

"He cares whoever he is."

"He ain't even here, if he cared he'd be here right?"

"I don't know, Sophie."

"You know how the stars get there?"

"Don't know."

"It make no sense."

Oralie smiled at Sophie's curiousness and stubbornness 

"Tell me when your tired, I'll be inside if you need me."


Oralie went inside.

Sophie reminded her of Kenric. She missed him and often wondered how he is.

Sophie had a really good friend, he was a neighbor named Alex.

(Time skip)

Sophie's P.O.V.

Her hair was in two low pigtails. She had red rain boots on, a white shirt with an ocean on it, and some Jean shorts.

She went to climb trees with Alex.

"You think we can stop here," he asked.

"Sure that," she responded. They were good tree climbers for five years old.

"It is cool out," he said when he caught his breath.

"How football," she asked.

"I hate it," Alex said, "I prefer climbing trees and all that."

Alex's father forces him to play football. But from Alex's skinny arms and his red hair in a bowl cut, it doesn't go well.

"Race you up to the top," she said.

"Wait up," he said.

She was about to win she was near the top when something caught her eye.

A boy's face was in a bush near the bush near the base.

All of a sudden he disappeared.

Sophie lost her footing to the branch she was on. The branch snapped and she fell.

She heard Alex scream. She hit a bunch of branches while falling down the tree and hit her head at the bottom.

She heard a crunch behind her.

She heard Alex shouting her name and screaming for help.

Her brain was pounding with pain and she had so much pain rocking in her body.

The last thing Sophie heard was sirens and she was seeing stars before everything went black.

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