Everyone turned to the sound of a beep from the computer. Thor turned back to Banner who was walking across the room. "You located the Tesseract?"

"I can get there the fastest." Tony called quickly out turning to leave.

Cap reached out and grabbed his arm. "You are not going alone."

"You're going to stop me?"

"Put on the suit and let's find out."

"I'm not afraid to hit an old man."

"Put on the suit." Both were nearly nose to nose.

Everyone in the room was startled by the sound of breaking glass, as an arrow flew through the front window of the ship. It nearly hit Tony's shoulder and Danny's head as it flipped by. Everyone was startled to see that it hit Banner in the shoulder causing him to fall backward onto the floor gripping at his shoulder.

After a second the arrow sent an eclectic surge through Banner causing him to yell in anger, but the yell did not sound like his own. It was deeper and more grumbled. Nat and Fury grabbed their weapons and trained them on the doctor who was trying to get up off the ground.

"There is an unknown aircraft carrying heavy weaponry just outside the ship." A voice called out through the comms. Danny looked around wondering what to do.

"Doctor Banner," Cap started. "You need to calm down." The Doctor responded with a loud yell as his skin started to turn green. Danny stepped forward a bit ready to put a shield around the occupants in the room if need be.

Another surge went through the arrow causing Banner to growl and start to double in size, he shook his head around like he was trying to get whatever was happening to him out. He looked around and jumped through a wall and then down through the floor.

"A worthy fight." Thor called out loudly before jumping down after Hulk spinning his hammer

"I'll cover Thor." Cap called out before starting to follow.

Danny was about to jump after them as well, he could help. But Fury put his hand in front of him signing for him to stop. "I need you and Stark to get out there and stop that aircraft before they can break out Loki." Danny hesitated but nodded turning to Tony. Tony was already walking out quickly to go and grab his suit from the hanger.

Danny looked back at the hole in the ground before hearing a loud crash, he cringed a bit hoping everything would be fine. But he and Tony were the only ones who could fly, they were the only chance against the ship out there. Danny quickly hovered above the ground and took off down the hall to where Tony was going.

Tony walked into a storage area and pulled out a remote that opened up a storage unit, inside was a suit of gold and red armor. Tony walked into the armor that opened up and wrapped around him. He nodded to the halfa as the faceplate slammed shut over his face. The suit of armor was then sucked out of the ship and into the sky.

Danny flew out the same way Tony's armor did, there was a small airlock underneath the suit of armor in the storage unit. The moment Danny made it into the sky, he had to force himself to blink a few times because of how bright the light was. He shook his head and turned to see Tony taking off in the direction of the front of the ship where the arrow originated.

Danny sped up to fly next to Tony. "There is only one I can see so far, but there are loads of energy-based weapons on it. You think you can handle this kid?" Tony asked through the outer speakers of his suit.

Danny smirked. "Does Technus like to monologue?" He said smugly.

Tony turned his head forward. "I think that's a yes." His boot jets released a higher output causing him to shoot forward much faster.

The moment the small black aircraft came into view, the back of the ship was opening revealing multiple people wearing head to toe black suits and holding weapons that looked a lot like the SHIELD's blasters. There was one who didn't cover his face, and instead of holding a blaster he was holding a bow and arrow and had a quiver on his back. Danny recognized him as one of the people they were talking about earlier, the ones being controlled.

They all looked up at the two flying heroes and then did something unexpected. They all jumped out the back of the ship into the sky. Danny was about to fly down there and catch them when the sounds of small jets sounded. They were floating in the air like the heroes were. They had jetpacks on. Danny didn't even know those existed in real life.

The jetpacks were much smaller than Danny would be expecting and instead of orange fire propelling them up, it was an icy blue color. They flew up to the same height as the heroes. The archer also had a jetpack on but was staying standing in the back of the ship observing.

The agents started to fire at both Tony and Danny who started dodging back and forth to not get hit with the blue beams. Danny was trying to use mostly defense and only shooting back very low-level blasts when he had to, he didn't want to hurt these people. They were humans and were probably being controlled. It wasn't their choice.

Tony was using mostly offense, trying to aim for their jetpacks. He managed to hit one of the jet packs causing it to start leaking a blue-colored fuel out into the sky. The fire on the back of it started sputtering out, forcing the agent to land back on the ship that they originated from.

After a couple seconds, another arrow like the one that hit Banner before shot through the air. That was who shot the arrow. It flew by past all the agents and hit the iron suit's ankle grabbing onto it. The repulser on his boots started to sputter out and cause Tony to lose balance, starting to fall.

Danny flew over to Tony and grabbed him under his arms to stop him from falling out of the sky. Tony called out to him through the speakers. "Take the arrow out, it is messing with my suit." Danny nodded in understanding, and quickly let go of Tony and flew down to pull the arrow out of the armor.

The arrow short-circuited in Danny's hand causing it to start smoking, Danny heard a light beeping sound and quickly dropped the arrow, after a couple seconds in the sky it blew up in a radius about 10 times the size of the arrow. Danny whipped his head back around to see that the archer and a couple of the other agents were heading down to the helicarrier, trying to keep unseen. Danny looked back to look at Tony, who seemed to be fine now. Most of the other agents were flying back to their ship because of injuries or failed tech.

Danny had to make a split-second decision. If he leaves Tony would be left with all of those agents who were shooting at him. But if Danny doesn't leave, the others will release Loki. Danny shook his head and took off after the agents nearing the ship. Leaving Tony and the small aircraft.



Ah ha, changing the plot. I did it. lol. I am now getting to the major plot changes from the movie. Yay, I am so excited. I have big plans for this.

I drastically shortened the fight scene. I kept most of the Tony and Steve dialog because I feel like it will be important for later on.

I am trying to update around once every 2 weeks, sorry if I fall behind a bit if I have to end up rewriting something or get writer's block. This has been one of my favorite stories I have made, and so far one of my most consistent posts. I am glad I have so many ideas that help me get through every chapter so you guys will enjoy it. I will still be updating the chapters in a couple months with better writing, and correcting any spelling errors I may have missed. I re-read these at least 10 times before I post them every time to make sure I don't miss anything, but I sometimes still do. Thanks for the support. <3

I would love to see what you guys think of this chapter, the comment mean a lot and keep me going. :D

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