Chapter 9

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Another day again! This time, in class, Mr. Aizawa reviewed all of their mistakes during their practice with All Might. 

"Midoriya," He said, "I see the only you won was by messing up your arm again. Work harder. Don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your quirk. That line's already getting old. You can't keep breaking your body while training here, but your quirk will really be useful if you can get a handle on it. So show a little urgency, huh?"

Midoriya, who kept his head bowed, raised his head, "Right!"

Mr. Aizawa continued pointing out the mistakes of the others until he got to the girls.

"Izayoi, speed is good but you need to be alert at all times. You seemed relaxed as if nothing would come bother you. Never underestimate your foes. Always expect an attack coming at you. And always be armed. Try to use your quirk a little more,"

"Yes, sir. I'll do my best," Sakuya said, head held high.

"Kirisame, you need to improve on your stealth so that the element of surprise is on your side. You can't just jump out there and start fighting. And don't be too ruthless. I noticed that you often use your hakkero to fight. Maybe go to the Support Class to improve it,"

"All right," Marisa replied.

"Hakurei, instead of putting a wall, try to counter-attack. I know that your quirk is more of a defensive quirk, but you also need to attack. Some people even say that offense is the best defensive,"

"Okay then," Reimu said, determined to improve.

"And Miss Kochiya, you, like Sakuya, need to improve on your alertness. You also need to expect a surprise attack from anywhere. Even the wall. Watch everywhere closely. You can't rely on someone else to protect you, got it?"

"Yes, Mr. Aizawa," Sanae said softly.

"Now you need to decide on a class representative, go on and discuss,"

Everyone immediately raised their handed and shouted that they should be representative.

"Hey! How about we vote? Person who gets the most votes becomes president. The  second person with most votes becomes vice. OK?"

Everybody agreed to this. After the votes. The representative was Izuku Midoriya with 3 votes. The vice was Momo Yayourouzu with 2 votes. After the votes, the day was normal with the classes. They ate at the cafeteria. More classes, and day was already over.

When the girls arrived at their mansion, Sakuya noticed another note on the table. It was from Remilia.

"Flandre somehow broke through the barrier between Gensokyo and the outside in search of Marisa and Sakuya because she seemed like she was dying of boredom. Be careful since she might destroy the whole planet," Sakuya read, "Oh no...,"

"Flandre is in the outside world!?" Reimu cried.

"This is terrible,"


"What do we do?" Sanae asked.

"I say we wait 'til the news show anything about her and we'll start searching,"

"I guess so,"

"Actually, can I stay here tomorrow?," Sakuya asked.

"Why?" Marisa asked.

"I kinda feel sick,"

"Well, ok then,"

"Good night,"

And they were off to bed.

Another morning, another day. Things were kind of weird without Sakuya.

Sakuya POV

This morning Sakuya insisted she stay. I feel like I should search immediately. I can't believe how the others reacted to this. I must find Flandre's location at least. The maid thought. She went to the computer in the corner and typed 'Recent Weird Sightings'. Nothing came out. Then, something caught her eye. 'Suspicions of villains roaming around. Click here to see more'. Villains!? Is it possible Flandre joined the villains!? No I doubt it. I don't think she's the type of betrayer.But still... Doing that is better than no lead at all. Sakuya made up her mind. She is going to search for more. Remilia had once taught her how to hack one of Nitori's most basic computer. It shouldn't be too hard right? At least this is not one of her  complicated machine. I can do this. For the rest of the day, she tried to hack into some news private conversations to get information. Result? None. The door of her room opened.

"Hey, Sakuya!" Sanae said, "A lot of things happened today,"

The three girls who went to school started telling about what happened that day.

"So Iida became representative instead, and we should be careful around media," Reimu summed up, "And what exactly are you doing?"

"Sorry, but I had to. I gotta know where Flandre is," Sakuya said, her face filled with determination.

"Well... fine,"

Something new popped up on the screen. An image of a blond girl with crystal wings and a huge orange sword in her hand. The caption said 'Villain or hero?". 

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