Chapter 6

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This was the start of the first exercise: Ball throwing.

Mr. Aizawa threw to ball towards Bakugou and told him to throw it as far as possible using his quirk as long as he stayed within the circle. It went about 700 meters! Ururaka threw the ball next. Her touch seemed pink when her fingers went in contact with the ball. She threw it was far as she could. After 5 minutes, when the ball didn't fall down yet, Mr. Aizawa's sensor said that the ball will continue for eternity. Reimu was next, then Sanae, Marisa and Sakuya.

Reimu POV

Huh. Throwing a ball as far as possible using your power. This is gonna be hard. My abilities aren't meant for this. I can maybe try Ascension Kick? Or Sliding Ascension Kick? I can't get out of the circle though. The way the guy stares at me is kind of unnerving, sheesh. I made my decision. Ascension Kick. I jumped and kicked the ball as far as possible. 576m. Not bad.

Sanae POV

My turn. Reimu did very good, but I can do better! I just need to summon a miracle to succeed, or a god's power. The earth can't exactly do anything, so maybe not Lady Suwako. Maybe Lady Kanako, goddess of the sky? Yeah, I guess so. So focus on the wind then and make a miracle to carry the ball higher. I prepared the throw it. When the ball left my hands, it zoomed a few meters, then I focused my energy on it. Right before it touched the ground, it flew further and higher. Up until I was too tired to continue. 589m. I beat Reimu!

Marisa POV

Sanae did 589m and Reimu did 576m. Now its my turn. I hope I can do the best! Ok, so which spellcard? I think I can use Gravity Beat. Except I gotta try to attach the ball to the broom. Or my mini-hakkero? I think I should attach it to my mini-hakkero and use Blazing Star without the broom. Yeah, its decided. But why was Mr. Aizawa staring strangely at me? Anyways, I attached mini-hakkero to the ball and threw it. Blazing Star. The ball turned into a blur of blue light and stars and went so far it became a little blue dot. The number on the sensor said... 581m! I got between Sanae and Reimu. And its Sakuya's turn.

Sakuya POV

Seeing Marisa, Sanae and Reimu performing so well, I was stressed. I didn't have a spellcard to help, so I just gotta use my time manipulation ability. I should make it slower to descend so it won't touch the ground? Nah, that would slow down the speed of the ball entirely probably. Speaking of which... maybe I should speed the ball so it might go further. Ok, I've got no spellcards so... what could go worse? I threw to ball as high and as far as possible. I focused my energy on it. It was hard, harder then stopping time completely. And it landed. 602m. Oh! I did it!

Narrator POV

Mr. Aizawa watched to four particular girls carefully. Two of them seemed to whisper something. The blond one, Marisa? I think she said 'Blazing Star' whatever that means. Do they give names to their quirk moves? Or are they friends that have similar quirks that can only be activated by saying something? But why did the other two didn't seem to say anything? I'd better keep a close eye on them, He thought, aware of the girls' actions. After that there were a few other tests, like sidesteps and running. At the end, the last person finished throwing the ball. It was Izuku Midoriya. He threw the ball except it didn't go far. He stared at his hand in surprise. What happened!?

"I canceled your quirk," Mr. Aizawa said, who no longer seemed lazy, but seemed alert and angry. His hair raised up on his head and his scarf twirling around him. His eyes were a bloody red, "The school shouldn't have let someone like you here,"

"B-but...," Midoriya stammered in shock,

He seemed surprised but suddenly, he seized a look of determination. He threw the ball again. This time, it flew to about more then 700m!

"This kid...," Mr. Aizawa murmured,

The four girls stared at Midoriya. Suddenly, Sakuya noticed a blond man watching. He was wearing a yellow suit. Was he a spy? Or a villain? But she noticed that he matched a person in one of the pictures that Aya took. Inside the picture, he wore a red suit with a blue cape. Now he just seemed kind of... normal. Weird. 

"This is the end of the class," Mr. Aizawa announced, "Check the board,"

The holographic result board appeared in front of them. Momo Yaoyorozu got first. Izuku Midoriya got last. 

"And I was lying about the part where last place gets kicked out," Mr. Aizawa said, the first time with a smile on his face.

It was already the end of the day. 

The teacher's meeting room...

Mr. Aizawa entered the room. 

"How was the class?" Nezu asked.

"During the ball throw, Midoriya injured two of his fingers instead of his whole arm," Mr. Aizawa replied.

"Well, that's wonderful!" 

"Uhh yes,"

"And the girls?"

"Two of them muttered something,"

"And the others?"

"I believe they seemed to focus more to throw it,"

"So what are their quirks exactly?"

"Hard to tell, but I saw All Might watching behind a nearby wall?"

"Huh?" All Might interjected, "W-well I-I"

"Can you describe their actions for me?" Nezu asked,

"Ok then. Reimu Hakurei said 'Ascension Kick' and she jumped then kicked the ball. There was a red blur at her legs," All Might described, recalling the details very clearly, "Then, Miss Kochiya just threw the ball and right before it touched the ground, it flew upwards!"

"A wind quirk then," Mr. Aizawa said,

"However, she didn't use wind during the practice exam, she said 'Wave Call' and water appeared," Nezu replied,

"An element quirk?" All Might asked,


"After her, Miss Kirisame attached some sort of object to the ball and said 'Blazing Star',"

"What did the object look like?"

"I didn't see it clearly but it's brown, and she made it appear from thin air!"


"There were blue star emitting from the ball,"

"A star quirk?"


"Finally it was Sakuya Izayoi," All Might continued, "She, like Sanae, threw the ball normally. However the ball flew super fast, it flew the farthest between the four,"

"A quickening quirk then,"

"I guess so,"

"So that concludes today's meeting!

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