"Did I do that?" Zayn asks frantically. "Did I do this to him or was it just a really cruel coincidence that he turned into a statue right when I touched him?"

It doesn't sound like a coincidence, it really doesn't. Hence everyone's complete and utter horror and confusion. Zayn is, as far as they all know, an Earth human. An Earth human doesn't possess powers like these.

"Did I—" Zayn's flat out whimpering at this point, "fuck, did I—kill—?"

He can't even bring himself to finish the sentence, and he shakes his head furiously. "No. No I did not. We need to make this right, fuck, we've got to—"

And just like that he's rushing right past the remaining three boys to the giant door and Louis can practically hear the whooshing sound from how fast he's going, frantically pressing both his palms against the cold wood to push the door open.

The door turns into a block of shiny, rich gold. Zayn flinches away so hard Louis is scared the boy is going to break something.

"Oh my god," Zayn whispers breathily. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god—"

He turns around and slides down against the door, fists clenched and knees supporting his forehead.

"Zayn." Louis is the first one to speak, lowly and carefully. He crouches down to pat him on the shoulder, but just as he's doing so he remembers the gold turning factor and though he's pretty sure that it's just Zayn's hands that he should avoid—if Zayn's whole body would be affected his clothes would logically turn golden as well—he's rather safe than sorry.

So instead he just sinks down next to Zayn, trying his best to make his whole being radiate comfort.

"Zayn," he tries again. "So I understand that this is—hard, for you, god, I do. But we're going to fix this, alright? Sif, Thor's wife—not that you wouldn't already know—has golden hands as well. And if she doesn't know anything, which I doubt, we'll go look for Idun because she has it too. It'll be okay. I don't know why or how you have these powers but you're not alone. Zayn, look at me."

Zayn obliges, staring into Louis determined eyes with his own exasperated ones.

"We will fix this," Louis states slowly. "We will fix this."

It does take a couple of seconds for Zayn to process it seems, but when he does he nods slowly, increasing in fervor as he—fists still clenched—stands up again.

"Yeah," he says, confidently. "We'll fix this. Let's go."

"Maybe—" Louis interjects when Zayn starts going for the gleaming, polished door handle. "Maybe not through that exact door, though."

"What?" Zayn gives him an incredulous look. "What's wrong with the door?"

"Nothing, nothing, it's just. Since it's now a huge block of gold it's most likely going to be too heavy to push open."

"...Right. Fuck. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Louis assures, turning swiftly to Harry with an innocent expression.

"Harry. Darling," he tries with the prettiest smile he can muster. "Light of my life. Yin to my yang. Pen to my paper, honey to my comb. The stars to my sky."

"You disgust me," Harry deadpans, but as he does so he walks right up to Louis and grabs his hand, fully aware of what Louis is asking of him.

"Um. No. Start with Zayn," Louis protests with furrowed eyebrows, prying his hand away from Harry's grip.

It doesn't really matter, though, because Harry just takes his hand again determinedly.

"No. I'll start with you. I need you on the other side of that door so you can't distract me when I need to concentrate."

Collision // Larry Stylinson - itjustkindahappenedWhere stories live. Discover now