Warm. Fuzzy. Louis wants to giggle or jump around to get rid of the giddiness. He wants to touch Harry's skin, a little. He needs to do something to handle the deep, rich warmth spreading like blossoming flowers and spring streams in his chest all the way out to his fingertips.

The fact that this feeling is irrational is something Louis sets aside to ponder at another time. Right now he's just content knowing that maybe he's allowed to enjoy Harry's company sometimes. That maybe that's not so bad.

He can live with that.


They meet up with Zayn, Liam and Niall in this lovely park, and Louis feels a little more like home. There's just always a sense of comfort as soon as there are trees and flowers and green grass around. It's peaceful and pure, and it's uninterrupted and unfazed by everything happening in its surroundings. Louis loves nature a lot. He's missed it.

The three boys also look wonderfully tranquil; Zayn is lying with his head in Liam's lap and Niall is looking extremely happy about this fact. Louis feels him.

"So the good news is," Harry starts slowly, "we got the medicine."

Niall high fives him and Liam lights up like stars, obviously thrilled by the possibility to finally help his friend.

The only one still keeping calm, only a slight smirk playing on his lips, is Zayn, and he asks calmly:

"And the bad news?"

Well, then. Louis had hoped they'd get a few more minutes of celebration, but he supposes this will do, too.

"The bad news is we stole it," Harry finishes. "And the store staff is probably filing a report at this very minute."

As expected, that dampens the mood immediately, Liam's face going from delighted to mildly horrified, and Niall groaning out an "oh for fucks sake".

"Why does absolutely everything become a big deal when the two of you are involved?" he continues exasperatedly. "Oh my God."

"Harry is his mom's son," Louis deadpans, but he immediately throws a glance at Harry to make sure the spirit doesn't take offense (which. Irrational. Not like Louis should care).

He doesn't really seem to as the only response it gets is a snort and a faint eye roll.

"Thank you, Harry, for being so dedicated to our case and doing what needed to be done," Harry suggests. "Thank you for not being completely blinded by morals like myself, Harry."

Louis mimics Harry's snort, waving his hand glibly in front of Harry's face. "Whatever."

"Anyway..." Harry keeps going, determined not to pay more attention to Louis right now (rude). His tone is softly merging into something more apologetic and quiet and his eyes darts over to Zayn and Liam one time too many. "I'm—really sorry, but it looks like we're going to have to leave. Now. Like, today. We didn't mean for this to happen."

Louis' heart breaks when he sees the golden light in Liam's eyes fade the very second the word leave rolls off of Harry's tongue, dejected stare slowly traveling to meet Zayn's.

It's completely quiet between the five of them for a horrible minute, all of them letting this sink in. Louis closes his eyes and listens to the wind tugging at the grass, at defiant branches. He listens to people's feet pressuring the ground and birds chirping.

"Right," Niall speaks at last. "Guess we can't afford wasting any time, huh?"

They guess not.

It's a dull and dejected travel back to Zayn's apartment to pack their newly purchased things. Zayn and Liam walk very closely together all the time, sides lined up on the subway and Louis thinks it's hard to look at as it is, but when he looks over to Harry, it gets even worse. The spirit is also watching the pair attentively, but with a painfully present frown and horribly slouching figure, and Louis understands that this is hard for him, too. Maybe he feels guilty. Maybe he's losing hope.

Collision // Larry Stylinson - itjustkindahappenedWhere stories live. Discover now