School Dance Part 2

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Once Julie went upstairs to get ready I ran over to the garage to tell the boys my plan. I was gonna set up a school dance for her right here in the garage. Once she got in here I was gonna tell her how I felt and then ask her to dance. The boys and I set up everything we got balloons and confetti and even a banner that said "Luke and Julie forever <3". Everything was perfect I hope this cheers Julie up.

"Luke this is perfect Julie will Love it" Alex said smiling looking around the room at everything we set up.

"I hope so" I said happily, "Alright guys can you go upstairs and grab Jules for me" I continued nervously. 

"will do" They said in unison linking their arms together. This was it, this was the moment I was gonna tell Julie everything. I was really nervous what if she didn't feel the same? what if this ruined the band? what if it ruined our friendship? LUKE CUT IT OUT shell love it I hope I mean she seemed like she was really crushed that Nick was with Carrie. Is this too soon for her? Maybe it is, is it too late too back out? Probably not their probably already getting Julie. Lets hope this goes well and doesn't end in a fight or a broken up band.


What does Luke want to do for me? I though while touching up my makeup. He was such a sweet guy towards me. I loved that, he was so perfect in every way but I knew that this was just his way of showing he was a good friend. Right? yeah he defiantly doesn't like me at least in a crush way. I heard a knock at my door, this mean't Luke was ready for me. 

"Come in" I yelled to Reggie and Alex to come in my room.

"Coming" Yelled back Reggie as he bursted through my doors along with Alex.

"awww Jules you look so pretty" Alex cheered as he walked through the door, "yeah Jules you look amazing and Luke's ready for you know" Reggie exclaimed.

"Madam" they both said pulling the door open bowing at my feet like I was a princess, I let out a laugh. They smiled and continued to walk in front of me,  like they were my two body guards I felt so safe with the boys they were like my older brothers. I walked outside and they stopped me in front of the garage doors and told me to close my eyes. 


Julie pulled open the doors, I was amazed she looked so beautiful her big golden curly locks, and her brown sparkly eyes that shined in the moon light, and the most perfect smile and her gap tooth which made her smile even more perfect. We stood their for a moment just taking in each others presence. I began to walk towards her, I grabbed her hands and held them in front of me. I looked over and saw Reggie and Alex hiding behind the bushes trying to record us. 

"Julie Molina" I began to speak, "Luke Patterson" She said smiling, I continued to say everything I wanted to tell her  "every since the day I gave you bright I fell in love with you, everything about you I knew that you were the one for me, When I was alive I didn't care about girls I only cared about music, It was my only passion sure I thought girls were cute here and there but never enough to make me feel the way I do towards you. Julie you make me feel alive not only that but you helped heal me you just make me feel incredible. I wanna do everything with you, I wanna take you on a million dates, I wanna kiss you and feel the warmth of you against my skin, I wanna ask your dad for permission to marry you, I wanna have kids with you and watch them run around and grow up, and I just wanna grow old with you, I couldn't ask for anyone better for me. So Julie Molina will you be my girlfriend and grow old with me" I said through tears I looked down to Julie who was also sobbing. She nodded and ran into me almost knocking me to the ground. 

"I love you Luke I always will" Julie said smiling at me then I planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Julie can I have this dance?" I questioned, she nodded and we danced to a song Julie had mentioned to me before. It was night changes by this band she loved called 1D, she said whenever she was gonna have her first dance with a guy she liked this would be it. When the song started I saw Julie start to tear up again.

"Luke you remembered" Julie said smiling I nodded and placed my hands around her hips and she placed hers around my neck. She put her feet on top of mine and we danced for a while just holding each other close hoping to never let go. I loved this moment and I never wanted this to end I wanted to be with her forever and ever. When we were done dancing Julie agreed that all she wanted to do for the rest of the night was order pizza and cuddle. Which was fine by me I wanted to give her cuddles for a long time now. 

"One small cheese pizza please" Julie said into the phone,she continued to order "Okay thank you" She said.

"Luke its rude to stare" Julie said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah it is but not when I have a beautiful girlfriend like you" I replied pulling her in for a kiss, her lips were so soft it was magical.

"Fair" She smiled and plopped onto the couch next to me "Love you" Jules said smiling up at me as she cuddled in under my arms "Love you too". We cuddled for the rest of the night and Julie fell asleep next to me. She was so cute when she slept, she was so peaceful too. I can't believe we were actually dating I never thought this was gonna be possible. But now that It was I was gonna cherish it forever.

~Julie and Luke one shots~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ