The welcoming feast

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Olivia Anderson

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Olivia Anderson

Charlie Weasley

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Charlie Weasley

Copyright - all my ideas are my own, and not to be copied without my permission, if your another writer and you want to put any of my original characters into your books please message me first. However I am of course not taking credit for the world of Harry Potter and all those rights go to Joan Rowling, but any original characters, the rights goes to me


"Welcome! To yet another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say to you all, and as one of them is very serious, I think it best to get it out of the way before you become befuddled by our excellent feast..." Dumbledore announced to the great hall at the start of term feast.
He cleared is throat and them continue
"As you will be aware after their search of the hogwarts express, our school is presently playing host to some of the dementors of Azkaban, who are here on ministry of magic business" he paused
"They are stationed at every entrance and exit to the grounds, and while they are with us, I must make it plain that nobody is to leave school without permission. Dementors are not to be fooled by tricks or disguises or even invisibility cloaks.  It is not in the nature of a dementor to understand pleading or excuses.
I therefore warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you. I look to the prefects and our new head boy and girl, to make sure no student runs foul of the dementors.... on a happier note I am pleased to welcome three new teachers to our ranks this year. Firstly professor lupin. Who has kindly consented to fill the post of defence against the dark arts teacher" there was some scattered applause.
"Our second new appointment..well I am sorry to tell you that professor kettleburn our care of magical creatures teacher, retired at the end of last year in order to enjoy more time with his remaining limbs. However I am delighted to announce that his place will be filled by none other than Rubeus Hagrid, he has agreed to take on this teacher job in addition to his gamekeeping duties" at this news there was a much louder applause.
"And our last appointment.....well she has not arrived yet" Dumbledore said motioning towards the empty chair next to professor mcgonagall.
"However many of you may be wondering what position this new teacher will be filling. Well I am delighted to announce that we have a new subject this year. This subject will be a mix between defence against the dark art, care of magical creatures and more. This subject will focus on life outside Hogwarts.
What it's like, what you may want to become when you leave hogwarts. And all coming from someone who has real experience in the world.. many of you may have heard of this new teacher, but when she arrives I will give her a proper introduction.
Until then.... let the feast begin!" Dumbledore says and food appears on all of the tables.

All anyone talks about through that dinner is who the new teacher will be and what the subject will like.

A little while later, all the left over food from dinner disappears and dessert appears on all the tables. Everyone is digging in when the great hall doors open revealing a woman standing there. The great hall goes silent, everyone looks at the woman.
She is a short woman. She wore a long black coat that almost reached the floor, and under that she wore tight black trousers and a tight black top and a dark dirty yellow scarf pulled up over her face covering her mouth and nose. She walks up the great hall, down past the four house tables, every eye in the great hall on her. Dumbledore stands up and walks over to greet her.
They shake hands enthusiastically, then dumbledore walks over to his stands and starts talking
"Now everyone, this is our new life outside Hogwarts teacher" dumbledore pauses smiling
"I think most of you might know her, it's Olivia Anderson" whispers break out in the great hall like wildfire. Muggle-borns where saying
"Who?" Other people explaining her to them
Other people where saying things like
"Olivia Anderson! There's no way!" And
"It's the dragon master!" Or
"She played for Ireland!" And then dumbledore started talking again and everyone falls silent
"Yes, this is Olivia Anderson and-"
"Did you bring your dragon with you!" Interrupts Fred Weasley by accident
dumbledore laughs and looks over at Olivia for her to answer
"Yes my dragon is here with me"  Olivia says, she has a soft clear voice. And them even more whispers spread.
"Anyway, Olivia is teaching life outside hogwarts and it is for every year, you will have a class with her once a week but it will only be with your year group but only with your house. Now I'm sure everyone would like to get back to their desserts before the ice cream melts" dumbledore says walking back to his seat and Olivia siting down in the empty seat beside mcgonagall.
Everyone in the hall was either looking at Olivia or talking to their friends about her. She pulled off her scarf that was covering her face and her coat.
Her nose looked like it had been Broken a few time, she had a few small scars on her face, on her left arm she also had a burn that was about as long as a cup, she had short curly dark brown hair. She had a kind face, like the kind that instantly made you want to go up and say hi.

Harry, Ron and Hermione were siting at the griffindoor table talking about her aswell
"Who is that?" Ask Harry
"You don't know who that is!?" Questions Ron shocked
"I don't know either says Hermione
"That's Olivia Anderson! The greatest witch of all time! She was or maybe still is an Auror for the ministry, one of the best ones ever, she was only there for something like four years and she caught more dark wizards than most of the others put together. She's really young as well only like 25 or something. She also played on the Irish quidditch team for four years, as chaser, she was bloody brilliant! And! She's the dragon tamer!" Says Ron excitedly
"Dragon tamer?" Questions Harry
"Blood hell Harry, you need to catch up.
Anyway she trained a dragon! Like a real dragon! She rides it and stuff!"
"That's cruel!" Says Hermione
"No it's not, the dragon loves it. You see she never uses magic on it. It's all her, no magic. And the dragons free to go where or when ever it wants" says Ron and Hermione seems ok with it now
"Wicked! What dragon did she tame?" Ask Harry
"That's the best part! She tamed a antipodean opaleye! It's white and like 40 feet tall! I'd love to see it! Do you think she'll show it to us?! She said she brought it with her! Where do you think it's sleeping? Do you think it will be at the entrance! It might be protecting it" ron looks through his robes and bag
"Damit! Hermione do you have a quill? I want to get her autograph. Do you think she'll sigh my book?"
"Ron! She's your teacher, you can't just go up to her and ask for and autograph!"
"Why not? Hermione she's the best chaser of all time!"
"I'm not giving you my quill!" Snaps Hermione
Ron starts rambling on about the dragon and where it might be sleeping. They all came to the conclusion that it must be sleeping in the forest.

The next day Hermione woke early to go to the library but the book she was looking for was gone. She went to the great hall in a huff when she started telling Harry and Ron about what she was looking for
"Why the bloody hell did you get up early to go to the library on the first day! We haven't even had any classes yet" says Ron with a price of toast in his mouth
"The same reason that everyone else did"
"And what's that?" Asks Harry
"Professor Anderson's book!" Says Hermione like they should know this
"She has a book?" Harry says shoving a sausage in his mouth
"It's not written by her, it's about her life but a close friend of hers wrote it"
"But we already know almost everything about her" says Ron
"Yeah, but I'm sure it would be fascinating to read more about our new teacher"
"I hope we have a lesson with her today" says Ron hopeful
"So do I. But only one a week, it crazy!" Says Hermione
Just them professor mcgonagall comes down the griffindoor table handing out time tables. Hermione notices that Ron has his fingers crossed. Eventually professor mcgonagall gets to them and hands it to them.
Ron let's put a loud
"Yes! We have her today! First class after lunch! I hope she shows us falkor!" Ron says excitement glistening in his eyes.

All rights reserved, if you want to use any part of my work you must ask me first.

No copy's of this story are to be made without permission from me.

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