Chapter 22: Trapped bars and feelings

Start from the beginning

Although, he didn't know that Cicero has left the country two days ago.

He looked around to study the place for a while. It mostly looked like everyone would pick on anyone who appeared weaker than them while other just minded their own business. None of this was new to him, though. He took out his phone and began going through it which caught the attention of the others nearby.

"You. I've never seen you around here. Are you a police officer?"

"Yeah," Kazuo replied with a short glance at the prisoner.

A tray that was placed infront of him with two cups of black coffee made him put his phone in his pocket and look up at Zen who arrived and looked a bit out of breath. Seems like he rushed to get them done. Perhaps he was looking forward to getting out of jail quickly.

He saw the red head give the prisoner a glower before he pulled the chair with more force than needed and sitting down next to Kazuo. The prisoner raised at brow at Zen, who was infront of him.

"Why are you befriending an officer?" The prisoner, who was Zen's cell mate, asked with contempt, a small smirk playing on his face like he didn't threaten the red head a few minutes ago.

"Mind your damned business, Ashton," Zen said, his japanese accent thick when saying his name.

"I'm just asking," He replied in English.

"Don't ask," Zen mumbled in the same language. He wasn't the best at speaking English, but he did improve a lot because of Cicero.

Kazuo sipped his coffee before he gagged casing Zen to throw him a death glare.

"I'm sorry. Did you not put sugar in it?" Kazuo asked cheekily.

"You didn't tell me to," Zen said.

"It's fine," Kazuo disregarded, "You've changed," He said after a pause.

"You don't even know me that well, so you don't have the right to say that," Zen replied calmly causing Ashton to snicker.

"You mean he became more calm? You should thank me as his cell mate. On the first days, he was ready to snap anyone's neck in half, but after staying with me for a while, I turned him to the perfect, obedient, dog—"

Zen took Ashton's tray and smacked his face by throwing the whole tray at his face. The bowls and plates were broken in pieces when they hit the floor and Ashton's face was filled with food.

Kazuo watched as the tray slid down Ashton's shirt and the buff man's face turn into a shocked one. Zen sat back down and continued drinking his coffee like nothing had happened even though the noise has caught the attention of some others. They started whistling at Zen's action and shouting praises which didn't flatter the red head at all.

"When am I going to get out of here?" Zen asked Kazuo who was still trying to process the whole thing.

"In a bit. I just need to get a phone call," Kazuo said in response.

Zen twirled the end of the little concentrated drink left before he gulped it in one go and set his cup down, he slumped in his seat with a petulant look on his face.

QUARTET ALLIANCE: LEND A HAND (Wild Duty & Judgement)Where stories live. Discover now