Your eyes fell to the floor and you wanted to ask a question but you didn't find the voice to.

He noticed. "What's the matter?"

Your eyes stayed pointed at the floor and he spoke again.

"It's okay if you have questions, I will answer them if I can....if I can't I can get the bosses."

His words just made you more confused.

How many of them were there?

You looked at him. "I h-have one question."

His eyes softened. "I told you not to be uncomfortable, Y/n."

You gulped.

What exactly would he punish you for? The regulations were a bit unsaid.

"What is on my neck, Jung....Jungwoo."

You asked, almost forgetting his name but quickly remembering in slight fear.

"Oh." He said, with a small chuckle. He was closer than you thought because his hand could reach your neck.

He ran his finger under the velvety fabric and flicked his finger forward, making the circle ring in the middle move up an fall back.

"I've always been a little kinky."

He then clicked his tongue, raised both of his eyebrows slightly and looked away.

His phone went off in his pocket and he pulled it out.

"Well, it's time for you to meet them." You tiled your head and he explained.

"Remember the bosses I mentioned? You have to meet them. I am not in the right place to explain who we are, why you are here and what we plan to do. They are so they'll tell you."

He then placed his hand on your shoulder and whispered.

"It was nice meeting you Y/n." He began to walk away.

But then he turned around. "My advice to you is...."

His phone went off again and he looked. Looking back up, he continued.

"Be as respectful as you can."

His emphasis was on the word "respectful" and he walked to the door and with a code he opened it.

When he opened it, you got a slight view out and you saw a guy with an intimidating stare.

You felt your palms get sweaty and you messed with your fingers even though you couldn't get out.

You didn't plan to escape, although that's what you wanted to do. But they could kill you or do anything they wanted to you and you would have no say...

As the male walked in, and Jungwoo exited, you found yourself noticing two other guys following him, both of which had the same looks on their faces.

Feeling nervous, you watched them as all three pairs of eyes met yours.

The first one and the third didn't change expressions but the one in the middle was different.

He walked closer and kicked the chair out of his way.

He crouched down to your level and spoke.

"Hey Y/n, nice to finally make your...." His hand moved to push your hair out of your face.


His look was even scarier than Jungwoo's and made you squirm at his touch.

"Don't be scared..." The third one said. "We won't hurt you if you're good."

He smirked and the first one walked behind you and the others backed up.

As if this was planned out, he placed both hands on your shoulders and bent down to whisper in your ears.

"I bet you're wondering why you're here, hm?"

You didn't reply and he squeezed your shoulders a bit tighter.

"Hm?" His voice got firm and you nodded in a quick moment of reply.

He then walked out in front of you again and spoke.

"I'm Yuta." The first man said, and looked at the second man.

He replied as well. "I'm Taeyong."

And the third man replied by himself. "I'm Kun, and we are here to tell you why you're in our presence. Any questions?"

You took a deep breath and your voice came out weak and almost submissive.

"Am I going to be killed?"

Yuta spoke. "We'll get to that. We haven't decided yet, but you'll know."

You furrowed your eyebrows and looked away.

"Just thinks about this." Taeyong said, rather cockily. "If you remain a good girl, there will be no reason to kill you."

You nodded and your gaze was fixated on the floor still.

Your thoughts rushed through your mind and you wondered who exactly could be this bad to kidnap you, and threaten to take your life.

You didn't know who they actually were or if they were telling the truth.

But one thing was for sure and that was you were going to do your best to keep from leading yourself to your own grave.


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