"That's how you did it?"

"Yup. Its a system. Same with the tables, you just have to be observant."

"I'll keep that in mind."


"Thank you." I smiled as the driver handed me my luggage.

After dropping my grandma off at Sarah's house, I came straight to the airport. I was yet to hear from August, but I figured once I was checked in, he would call me.

"Hi good day, I'm looking for a Marcus?"

"Sure hold on."

Nodding, I went into my handbag and got my I.D card out just in case.



"Marcus, nice to meet you."

"Likewise." I shook his hand.

"Follow me this way."

Agreeing, I walked off pulling my bag behind me.

"When Yung said you were beautiful, he didn't lie." He laughed.

"Thanks. How you two know each other?"

"We're cousins."

"Oh okay." I nodded.

"Yeah, he been there for me from the jump so we been cool. You have your I.D?"

"Yeah, here you go."

Taking it from me, he went to the counter. Observing where I was, I noticed the flight schedule and it said Puerto Rico.

"No way." I said to myself.

"Here you go."

Standing in front of me, he held my I.D and boarding pass.

"By the look on your face, you just found out where you're going huh?" He laughed.

"Yeah." I smiled and took it.

"So I take it you don't know that youre flying first class either?"


"Well damn, my cous knows how to surprise his girl."

"He sure does."

After telling me which gate to go to, we said our goodbyes and went separate ways. As soon as I sat and got comfortable, I called my grandma to let her know. She too was shocked but happy for me.

"Yes?" I smiled as I answered Aug's call.

"What ya up too?"

"You know very well what I'm up too." I laughed. "I'm sure your cousin called you."

"He did."

By the tone of his voice, I could tell her was smiling.

"Thank you so much for this. It really did surprise me."

"Ya welcome. I can't wait fa you ta get hea so you can see this place."

"Wait? You're there already?"

"Yeah. Had to come in to make sure everything was perfect."

"Now you have me extra excited."

"As you should be."

As we conversed, we spoke about so many different things. Being in a long distance relationship, it had its perks. Though we tried to speak everyday, depending on either of us schedule, it was a bit of a challenge.

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